jQuery("#list").jqGrid( editGridRow ,"new",{height:545, width:425,recreateForm:true,reloadAfterSubmit:false,addedrow: first ,closeAfterAdd:true,top:110,left:350,modal:true});
我正在使用再载荷After Submit:false, 即当新记录被加到电网时,我已经空出的电离层。
Can someone explain VERY simply how to get the ID of the new record and put it into the ID field in my grid.
I have found a previous answer here which seems to be what im looking for but I cant understand how to get it to work. The documentation says afterSubmit: function (response,postdata) {return [true, , new_id];}
but I have no how to implement this.
Im new so I need it put very simply.
( ! ) Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in D:wampwwwEstimateTrackerUpdateEstimates.php on line 32
Call Stack
10.0036402872{main}( )..UpdateEstimates.php:0
( ! ) Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in D:wampwwwEstimateTrackerUpdateEstimates.php on line 32
Call Stack
10.0036402872{main}( )..UpdateEstimates.php:0
$(function () {
url: GetEstimates.php ,
datatype: xml ,
mtype: GET ,
colNames:[ ID , Campaign Name , ClientsID , Client Name , Buyer Name , Client Ref , Description , Sales , Estimator , Date Received , Date Required , Status , Product Type , Date Submitted , Price (£) , Keren No. , Reason Lost , Won Price (£) , Notes ],
colModel :[ {name: ID , key:true,index: ID , width:45,align: center ,editable:true,editoptions:{readonly:true,size:10, height:5}, {name: CampaignName , index: CampaignName , width:175, align: left ,editrules:{required:true},editable:true,editoptions:{size:35}}, {name: ClientsID , index: ClientsID , width:120, align: left ,editable:true,hidden:true}, {name: ClientName , index: ClientName , width:120, align: left ,editrules: required:true,custom_func:notEmpty,custom:true},editable:true,edittype: select , editoptions:{dataUrl: ClientDropDownGrid.php ,dataInit: function () {
var thisval = $("#ClientsID").val();
$.get( GetBuyersGrid.php?id= +thisval, function(data) {
var res = $(data).html();
}); // end get
}//end func
,dataEvents:[{type: change ,fn: function(e) {
var thisval = $(e.target).val();
$.get( GetBuyersGrid.php?id= +thisval, function(data){
var res = $(data).html();
}); // end get
}//end func
} // end type
] // dataevents
{name: BuyerName , index: BuyerName , width:100, align: left ,editable:true,edittype: select ,editoptions:{dataUrl: BuyerDropDownGrid.php }},
{name: ClientEstimateRef , index: ClientEstimateRef , width:125, align: left , align: left ,editable:true,editoptions:{size:25}},
{name: Description , index: Description , width:125, align: left , align: left ,editable:true,editoptions:{size:25}},
{name: SalesName , index: SalesName , width:100, align: left ,editrules:{required:true,custom_func:notEmpty,custom:true},editable: true,edittype: select ,editoptions:{dataUrl: SalesDropDownGrid.php },formoptions:{elmsuffix: <a id="AddSales" href="AddSales.php">Add Sales</a> }},
{name: EstimatorName , index: EstimatorName , width:100, align: left ,editrules:{required:true,custom_func:notEmpty,custom:true},editable: true,edittype: select ,editoptions:{dataUrl: EstimatorDropDownGrid.php } },
{name: DateReceived , index: DateReceived , width:80, align: center ,editrules:{required:true,custom_func:isValidDateRec,custom:true},editable:true,editoptions: {size: 15, maxlength: 10,dataInit: function(element) {$(element).datepicker({dateFormat: dd/mm/yy }) } }},
{name: DateRequired , index: DateRequired , width:80, align: center ,editrules:{required:true},editable:true,editoptions: {size: 15, maxlength: 10,dataInit: function(element) {$(element).datepicker({dateFormat: dd/mm/yy }) } }},
{name: Status , index: Status , width:100, align: left ,editable: true,edittype: select ,editoptions:{dataUrl: StatusDropDownGrid.php , defaultValue: 4 } },
{name: ProductType , index: ProductType , width:100, align: left ,editrules:{required:true,custom_func:notEmpty,custom:true},editable: true,edittype: select ,editoptions:{dataUrl: ProductTypeDropDownGrid.php } },
{name: DateSubmitted , index: DateSubmitted , width:80, hidden:false, align: center ,editable:true,editoptions: {size: 15, maxlength: 10,dataInit: function(element) {$(element).datepicker({dateFormat: dd/mm/yy }) } }},
{name: Price , index: Price , width:60, align: right ,editrules:{required:true,custom_func:isCurrency,custom:true},editable:true, formatter:currencyFmatter, unformat:unformatCurrency,editoptions:{size:15,defaultValue: 0.00 }, formoptions:{elmsuffix: GBP }},
{name: KerenNo , index: KerenNo , width:80, align: left ,editable:true,editoptions:{size:20}},
{name: ReasonLost , index: ReasonLost , width:120, align: left ,editable: true,edittype: select ,editoptions:{dataUrl: ReasonLostDropDownGrid.php } },
{name: WonPrice , index: WonPrice , width:60, align: right ,editrules:{required:true,custom_func:isCurrency,custom:true},editable:true, formatter:currencyFmatter, unformat:unformatCurrency, editoptions:{size:15,defaultValue: 0.00 }, formoptions:{elmsuffix: GBP }},
{name: Notes , index: Notes , width:125, align: left , align: left ,editable:true,edittype: textarea ,editoptions:{dataInit: function(elem){$(elem).width(200); $(elem).height(45);}}}
//{name: total , index: total , width:80, align: right },
//{name: note , index: note , width:150, sortable:false}
pager: #pager ,
sortname: ID ,
sortorder: asc ,
viewrecords: true,
gridview: true,
caption: Estimates ,
editurl: UpdateEstimates.php ,
//edit row
var gr = jQuery("#list").jqGrid( getGridParam , selrow );
if( gr != null ) jQuery("#list").jqGrid( editGridRow ,gr,{height:545, width:425,recreateForm:true,reloadAfterSubmit:false,closeAfterEdit:true,top:110,left:350,viewPagerButtons:false,modal:true,beforeShowForm: function(form) { $( #tr_DateSubmitted , form).show();}});
else alert("Please Select Row");
//add row
//var gr = jQuery("#list").jqGrid( getGridParam , selrow );
jQuery("#list").jqGrid( editGridRow ,"new",{height:545, width:425,recreateForm:true,reloadAfterSubmit:false,afterSubmit: function(response){return [true, , 45765 ];},addedrow: first ,closeAfterAdd:true,top:110,left:350,modal:true});