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原标题:data communication between threads in java

I wrote a small program in java to send and receive a data file using two threads. I want the two threads to be in the same class. One thread sends the file and the other thread receives the file. I have wrote the code for it but with few errors. Can you help me figure out the errors in the code. I am a student and a beginner in java, so spare me if there are any silly mistakes.

import java.lang.Thread.*;
import java.io.*;
public class sendques implements Runnable
    int i=0,c;
    static Thread[] t= new Thread[2];
    FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream("ip.jpg");
    FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream("output.jpg");
    sendques() {
            t[i]=new Thread(this);
            System.out.println("Threads "+i);
    void run() {
        while(true) {
    void send() {
        while((c=fis.read())!=-1) {
    void receive(int d) {
        while(c!=-1) {
    public static void main(String arg[]) {
        sendques sq=new sendques();

不使用<条码>指,更好地利用<条码> All ,因为活度衰竭可能发生,名称为:missed sign。 很难纠正你的法典,这里是实施不同类别生产者/消费者的守则:

The Buffer classes are used to store the data shared between producer and consumer. They have their own classes and an example you will find in BoundedBuffer.java. Their is no heavy computing task involved, just passing messages between both. This is a clean implementation, try to work through it.

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