English 中文(简体)
原标题:Standard conventions or good practices when naming local/remote interfaces of EJBs?

在指定EJBs接口时是否有任何公约或良好做法? 我也试图在我的申请中适用一些DDD原则,因此,我正在对外部世界的交接阶层使用“服务”式各样。

如果我有一个向客户提供业务逻辑业务的问讯处EJB,那么点名“当地人”/Remote Interface会是什么? 我读到的所有书迄今为止都只列出他们。 这种说法是否恰当(我不是试图通过点名取得 f,但我不知道是否有更好的命名公约)?



Java naming conventions are created and adopted by the community and also by the elder developers in the company.
So every time we are facing naming issues, we can go forward with the following:

  1. if the project is already there then just follow the project naming coventions
  2. if this is a new project you re creating then:
    a. QuestionServiceLocal/QuestionServiceRemote is a very good approach
    b. QuestionService is more than enough for naming a service


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