English 中文(简体)
1. 从阵列的参考文献中确定形象。
原标题:Set imageview from array reference?

我只字不提。 我愿在上建立<代码>>ImageView,在一系列<代码>上的图像上打上<<<>Drawables。 我愿对<代码>ImageView的图像,可以通过查阅mImages[position]检索。

Here is a brief explanation (complete explanation below): In short- I need a way to pass an image from my main activity to a dialog then on Cancel dismiss the dialog and on confirm set the system wallpaper (to the image passed from the main activity) then finish(); the activity.


用户名单见Gallery,高于Gallery,这表明对上重点的图像进行了较大的审查。 彩虹/代码。


        // setup wallpaper array
private void findWallpapers() {
    mThumbs = new ArrayList<Integer>(24);
    mImages = new ArrayList<Integer>(24);

    final Resources resources = getResources();
    final String packageName = getApplication().getPackageName();

    addWallpapers(resources, packageName, R.array.wallpapers);

// setup array defining all wallpapers & define thumbnails
private void addWallpapers(Resources resources, String packageName, int list) {
    final String[] extras = resources.getStringArray(list);
    for (String extra : extras) {
        int res = resources.getIdentifier(extra, "drawable", packageName);
        if (res != 0) {
            final int thumbRes = resources.getIdentifier(extra + "_small",
                    "drawable", packageName);

            if (thumbRes != 0) {

在“Set Wallpaper”Button上报后,AlertDialog应当与另一个版面图相提并存,该图文在Gallery上。 将包含一个<编码>TextView,附有指示、我们提议作为挂图、“Okay”代码和“Cancel”Button 的图像简介。 发布“Okay”Button时,将把图像从>ImageViewpreview上贴在系统挂图上。 InputStream。


    private void selectWallpaper(int position) {
    Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Select Wallpaper", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

    if (mIsWallpaperSet) {

    mIsWallpaperSet = true;

    Context context = this;
    // CharSequence text = "Wallpaper Set!";
    // int duration = Toast.LENGTH_LONG;
    InputStream stream = getResources().openRawResource(
            final Dialog accept = new Dialog(context);
    accept.setTitle("Please Confirm");
    TextView instructions = (TextView) accept.findViewById(R.id.textView1);
    instructions.setText("Would you like to set this as your wallpaper?");
    ImageView wallpreview = (ImageView) accept
    wallpreview.createFromStream(stream, "test");
    // SETUP cancel (no btn) listener
    Button cancelbtn = (Button) accept.findViewById(R.id.button2);
    cancelbtn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
    // SETUP Yes Btn listener
    Button okbtn = (Button) accept.findViewById(R.id.button1);
    okbtn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            // dismiss being used as placeholder, actually setting wallpaper
            // will be added


您可以使用排外器,打破你的警惕性方言布局,并在你的主要活动中将其置于警示的视角。 你们可以利用第ById()号来为这些县安排ClickListeners听众。 这将确保你在ClickListener能够看到哺乳。

final ArrayList<Integer> mImages=new ArrayList<Integer>();
final ImageView v=findViewById(R.id.imageView);

AlertDialog d=new AlertDialog.Builder(Main.this).create();


((Button)d.findViewById(R.id.cancelButton)).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()
((Button)d.findViewById(R.id.acceptButton)).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()


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