English 中文(简体)
Javascript - “这”是空洞的
原标题:Javascript - "this" is empty

我试图用Node.js书写我的网络应用服务器。 以下法典摘录是为了模拟局势。 问题是,申请在试图进入时坠毁。 行动概述 该财产。 此处没有界定行动(这={}在范围之内),甚至在“施工人”(请求功能本身)中加以界定。 如何从其他“方法”中获取财产?

var occ = {
    exampleAction: function(args, cl, cb)
        // ...

        cb( exampleAction , [ some ,  results ]);

    respond: function()
        console.log( Successfully handled actions. );

Request = function(cl, acts)
    this.client = cl;
    this.actions = [];
    this.responses = [];

    // distribute actions
    for (var i in acts)
        if (acts[i][1].error == undefined)
            occ[acts[i][0]](acts[i][1], this.client, this.actionExecuted);
            // such an action already containing error is already handled,
            // so let s pass it directly to the responses

Request.prototype.checkExecutionStatus = function()
    // if all actions are handled, send data to the client
    if (this.actions == [])
        occ.respond(client, data, stat, this);

Request.prototype.actionExecuted = function(action, results)
    // remove action from this.actions
    for (var i = 0; i < this.actions.length; ++i)
        if (this.actions[i][0] == action)
            this.actions.splice(i, 1);

    // and move it to responses
    this.responses.push([action, results]);

occ.Request = Request;

new occ.Request({}, [[ exampleAction , []]]);

问题是你如何确定你的挫折。 它后来称它失去背景。 您要么必须设立封闭系统,要么对<条码>规定适当的约束。 结束:

var self = this;
occ[acts[i][0]](acts[i][1], this.client, function() { self.actionExecuted(); });


occ[acts[i][0]](acts[i][1], this.client, this.actionExecuted.bind(this));




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