English 中文(简体)
原标题:Creating an (VB) APP and it isnt working correctly
  • 时间:2012-04-11 02:11:57
  •  标签:
  • vb.net

我坐在大学,正在制作一部书。 然而,在我看来,我有两个主要问题。 我的口供是一张皮扎套,使皮扎商店的工作人员能够把订单送到厨房(这只是一个名单箱)。 但是,由于某种原因,在订单的标签上显示正确的定价。 我尝试了不同的撰写方式,并提出了我的法典,但结果总是一样。 此外,每张桌有5个客户。 如果选择所有客户订单并点击发送,将只发出两个客户订单。 它不是其他客户,如果只是客户本身,就能够运作。

下面是我的法典,希望有人能够告诉我,如果我错了,那就错了了了,因为我认为,视而不见,视而不见。 预先感谢对解决办法的任何帮助/反馈。

附 件 法典:

Public Class Form1
    Dim myformat As String = "{0,-10}{1,-25}{2,-15}{3,-30}{4,-10}"
    Dim cost As Single
    Dim base As String
    Dim pizza As String
    Dim table As String
    Dim topping As String
    Dim drink As String
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        ListBox1.Items.Add(String.Format(myformat, "table", "pizza", "base", "topping", "drink"))
    End Sub
    Private Sub STK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles STK.Click

     ------------------table no------------------- 
    If tableno.Text = "1" Then
        table = "1"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "2" Then
        table = "2"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "3" Then
        table = "3"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "4" Then
        table = "4"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "5" Then
        table = "5"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "6" Then
        table = "6"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "7" Then
        table = "7"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "8" Then
        table = "8"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "9" Then
        table = "9"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "10" Then
        table = "10"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "11" Then
        table = "11"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "12" Then
        table = "12"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "13" Then
        table = "13"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "14" Then
        table = "14"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "15" Then
        table = "15"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "16" Then
        table = "16"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "17" Then
        table = "17"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "18" Then
        table = "18"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "19" Then
        table = "19"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "20" Then
        table = "20"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "21" Then
        table = "21"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "22" Then
        table = "22"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "23" Then
        table = "23"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "24" Then
        table = "24"
    ElseIf tableno.Text = "25" Then
        table = "25"
    End If
     ---------------pizza type 1---------------- 
    If pizza1.Text = "Planet Cheese" Then
        pizza = "Planet Cheese"
        cost = 4.0
    ElseIf pizza1.Text = "Planet Special" Then
        pizza = "Planet Special"
        cost = 5.0
    ElseIf pizza1.Text = "Planet Vegi" Then
        pizza = "Planet Vegi"
        cost = 4.5
    ElseIf pizza1.Text = "Planet Feast" Then
        pizza = "Planet Feast"
        cost = 6.0
    ElseIf pizza1.Text = "Planet Itella" Then
        pizza = "Planet Itella"
        cost = 6.5
    End If
     ---------------pizza type 2---------------- 
    If pizza2.Text = "Planet Cheese" Then
        pizza = "Planet Cheese"
        cost = 4.0
    ElseIf pizza2.Text = "Planet Special" Then
        pizza = "Planet Special"
        cost = 5.0
    ElseIf pizza2.Text = "Planet Vegi" Then
        pizza = "Planet Vegi"
        cost = 4.5
    ElseIf pizza2.Text = "Planet Feast" Then
        pizza = "Planet Feast"
        cost = 6.0
    ElseIf pizza2.Text = "Planet Itella" Then
        pizza = "Planet Itella"
        cost = 6.5
    End If

     ---------------pizza type 3---------------- 
    If pizza3.Text = "Planet Cheese" Then
        pizza = "Planet Cheese"
        cost = 4.0
    ElseIf pizza3.Text = "Planet Special" Then
        pizza = "Planet Special"
        cost = 5.0
    ElseIf pizza3.Text = "Planet Vegi" Then
        pizza = "Planet Vegi"
        cost = 4.5
    ElseIf pizza3.Text = "Planet Feast" Then
        pizza = "Planet Feast"
        cost = 6.0
    ElseIf pizza3.Text = "Planet Itella" Then
        pizza = "Planet Itella"
        cost = 6.5
    End If

     ---------------pizza type 4---------------- 
    If pizza4.Text = "Planet Cheese" Then
        pizza = "Cheese and Tamato"
        cost = 4.0
    ElseIf pizza4.Text = "Planet Special" Then
        pizza = "Planet Special"
        cost = 5.0
    ElseIf pizza4.Text = "Planet Vegi" Then
        pizza = "Planet Vegi"
        cost = 4.5
    ElseIf pizza4.Text = "Planet Feast" Then
        pizza = "Planet Feast"
        cost = 6.0
    ElseIf pizza4.Text = "Planet Itella" Then
        pizza = "Planet Itella"
        cost = 6.5
    End If

     ---------------pizza type 5---------------- 
    If pizza5.Text = "Planet Cheese" Then
        pizza = "Planet Cheese"
        cost = 4.0
    ElseIf pizza2.Text = "Planet Special" Then
        pizza = "Planet Special"
        cost = 5.0
    ElseIf pizza5.Text = "Planet Vegi" Then
        pizza = "Planet Vegi"
        cost = 4.5
    ElseIf pizza2.Text = "Planet Feast" Then
        pizza = "Planet Feast"
        cost = 6.0
    ElseIf pizza5.Text = "Planet Itella" Then
        pizza = "Planet Itella"
        cost = 6.5
    End If

     ---------------base 1 ------------ 
    If norm1.Checked Then
        base = "norm"
    ElseIf thin1.Checked Then
        base = "thin"
    ElseIf CB1.Checked Then
        base = "CB"
    ElseIf BSC1.Checked Then
        base = "BSC"
    End If
     ---------------base 2 ------------ 
    If norm2.Checked Then
        base = "norm"
    ElseIf thin2.Checked Then
        base = "thin"
    ElseIf CB2.Checked Then
        base = "CB"
    ElseIf BSC2.Checked Then
        base = "BSC"
    End If
     ---------------base 3 ------------ 
    If norm3.Checked Then
        base = "norm"
    ElseIf thin3.Checked Then
        base = "thin"
    ElseIf CB3.Checked Then
        base = "CB"
    ElseIf BSC3.Checked Then
        base = "BSC"
    End If
     ---------------base 4 ------------ 
    If norm4.Checked Then
        base = "norm"
    ElseIf thin4.Checked Then
        base = "thin"
    ElseIf CB4.Checked Then
        base = "CB"
    ElseIf BSC4.Checked Then
        base = "BSC"
    End If
     ---------------base 5 ------------ 
    If norm5.Checked Then
        base = "norm"
    ElseIf thin5.Checked Then
        base = "thin"
    ElseIf CB5.Checked Then
        base = "CB"
    ElseIf BSC5.Checked Then
        base = "BSC"
    End If

    If cheese1.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Cheese"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If pepperoni1.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Pepperoni"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If onion1.Checked = True Then
        topping = "onion"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If peppers1.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Peppers"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If sausage1.Checked = True Then
        topping = "sausage"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If tuna1.Checked = True Then
        topping = "tuna"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If meatballs1.Checked = True Then
        topping = "meatballs"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If

    If cheese2.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Cheese"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If pepperoni2.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Pepperoni"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If onion2.Checked = True Then
        topping = "onion"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If peppers2.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Peppers"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If sausage2.Checked = True Then
        topping = "sausage"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If tuna2.Checked = True Then
        topping = "tuna"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If meatballs2.Checked = True Then
        topping = "meatballs"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If

    If cheese3.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Cheese"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If pepperoni3.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Pepperoni"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If onion3.Checked = True Then
        topping = "onion"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If peppers3.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Peppers"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If sausage3.Checked = True Then
        topping = "sausage"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If tuna3.Checked = True Then
        topping = "tuna"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If meatballs3.Checked = True Then
        topping = "meatballs"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If

    If cheese4.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Cheese"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If pepperoni4.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Pepperoni"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If onion4.Checked = True Then
        topping = "onion"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If peppers4.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Peppers"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If sausage4.Checked = True Then
        topping = "sausage"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If tuna4.Checked = True Then
        topping = "tuna"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If meatballs4.Checked = True Then
        topping = "meatballs"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If

    If cheese5.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Cheese"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If pepperoni5.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Pepperoni"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If onion5.Checked = True Then
        topping = "onion"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If peppers5.Checked = True Then
        topping = "Peppers"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If sausage5.Checked = True Then
        topping = "sausage"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If tuna5.Checked = True Then
        topping = "tuna"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If
    If meatballs5.Checked = True Then
        topping = "meatballs"
        cost = cost + 1.0
    End If

    If drink1.Text = "Cola" Then
        drink = "Cola"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink1.Text = "Fruit Punch" Then
        drink = "Fruit Punch"
        cost = cost + 0.8
    ElseIf drink1.Text = "J2o" Then
        drink = "J2o"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink1.Text = "Alien Blaster" Then
        drink = "Alien Blaster"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink1.Text = "Alien Brains" Then
        drink = "Alien Brains"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    End If

    If drink2.Text = "Cola" Then
        drink = "Cola"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink2.Text = "Fruit Punch" Then
        drink = "Fruit Punch"
        cost = cost + 0.8
    ElseIf drink2.Text = "J2o" Then
        drink = "J2o"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink1.Text = "Alien Blaster" Then
        drink = "Alien Blaster"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink1.Text = "Alien Brains" Then
        drink = "Alien Brains"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    End If

    If drink3.Text = "Cola" Then
        drink = "Cola"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink3.Text = "Fruit Punch" Then
        drink = "Fruit Punch"
        cost = cost + 0.8
    ElseIf drink3.Text = "J2o" Then
        drink = "J2o"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink1.Text = "Alien Blaster" Then
        drink = "Alien Blaster"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink1.Text = "Alien Brains" Then
        drink = "Alien Brains"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    End If

    If drink4.Text = "Cola" Then
        drink = "Cola"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink4.Text = "Fruit Punch" Then
        drink = "Fruit Punch"
        cost = cost + 0.8
    ElseIf drink4.Text = "J2o" Then
        drink = "J2o"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink1.Text = "Alien Blaster" Then
        drink = "Alien Blaster"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink1.Text = "Alien Brains" Then
        drink = "Alien Brains"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    End If

    If drink5.Text = "Cola" Then
        drink = "Cola"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink5.Text = "Fruit Punch" Then
        drink = "Fruit Punch"
        cost = cost + 0.8
    ElseIf drink5.Text = "J2o" Then
        drink = "J2o"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink1.Text = "Alien Blaster" Then
        drink = "Alien Blaster"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    ElseIf drink1.Text = "Alien Brains" Then
        drink = "Alien Brains"
        cost = cost + 0.9
    End If

    ListBox1.Items.Add(String.Format(myformat, table, pizza, base, topping, drink))

    totallabel.Text = Format(cost, "currency")
End Sub

使用C#处理开关案件......Code将更容易阅读。 就我而言,费用没有增加,因此无法增加Pillas。 在Pizas检查之后,该代码应当成本+=价格,而不是成本=pi。

Also Edit the order of code.Pizzaone followed by base1,topping 1 ,drink1 etc and a ListBox.Add .Then do the same for pizza2,pizza3 etc followed by a listbox.add

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