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原标题:Adding .jar s to classpath (Scala)

因此,我一直试图与以下网站合作:-signal-collection。 框架和我下载了<代码>.jar<>/code>文档,将其提炼成倍数。 目前,组合结构类似:


Where PageRank.scala is the Scala test code they provide, which is:

import com.signalcollect._

object PageRank extends App {
  val graph = GraphBuilder.build
  graph.addVertex(new PageRankVertex(id=1))
  graph.addVertex(new PageRankVertex(id=2))
  graph.addEdge(new PageRankEdge(sourceId=1, targetId=2))
  graph.addEdge(new PageRankEdge(sourceId=2, targetId=1))

class PageRankVertex(id: Any, dampingFactor: Double=0.85)
    extends DataGraphVertex(id=id, state=1-dampingFactor) {
  type Signal = Double

  def collect(oldState: Double, mostRecentSignals: Iterable[Double]): Double = {
    1 - dampingFactor + dampingFactor * mostRecentSignals.sum


class PageRankEdge(sourceId: Any, targetId: Any)
    extends DefaultEdge(sourceId, targetId) {
  type SourceVertex = PageRankVertex

  def signal(sourceVertex: PageRankVertex) = {
    sourceVertex.state * weight / sourceVertex.sumOfOutWeights


I am a newbie when it comes to the JVM/Java/Scala, and this was my attempt at adding the .jar s to the classpath for compiling PageRank.scala:

$ scalac -classpath *.jar dependencies/*.jar PageRank.scala 
error: IO error while decoding core-1.1.1.jar with UTF-8
Please try specifying another one using the -encoding option
error: IO error while decoding javaapi-1.1.1-javadoc.jar with UTF-8
Please try specifying another one using the -encoding option
error: IO error while decoding javaapi-1.1.1-sources.jar with UTF-8
Please try specifying another one using the -encoding option
error: IO error while decoding javaapi-1.1.1.jar with UTF-8
Please try specifying another one using the -encoding option
error: IO error while decoding dependencies/je-3.2.76.jar with UTF-8
Please try specifying another one using the -encoding option
error: IO error while decoding dependencies/scala-library-2.9.1.jar with UTF-8
Please try specifying another one using the -encoding option
6 errors found

I cannot figure out what is going wrong... what s happening? Thanks! Regards, -kstruct




$ scalac -classpath "*.jar:dependencies/*.jar" PageRank.scala
$ scala -classpath "*.jar:dependencies/*.jar" PageRank
PageRankVertex(id=2, state=0.9999999999999997)
PageRankVertex(id=1, state=0.9999999999999997)



看来,根据已安装的Java版本,列入多个JAR可能或不会奏效的班次中的野心。 我发现,,在StackOverflow的其他地方,见(指出,在你希望的回响之后,你可以有尽可能多的人,按空间分开):

scalac -classpath $(echo *.jar dependencies/*.jar | tr      : )  PageRank.scala
scala -classpath $(echo *.jar dependencies/*.jar | tr      : )  PageRank

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