English 中文(简体)
2008年服务器搜索和替换xml node值
原标题:SQL Server 2008 search and replace xml node values


<memberHours type="TeamHours[]"> 
  <member type="String">Bill</member> 
  <hours type="Decimal">0.0</hours> 
  <member type="String">John</member> 
  <hours type="Decimal">0.0</hours> 
  <member type="String">Sally</member> 
  <hours type="Decimal">0.0</hours> 

我需要找到所有成员,只要成员与John相等,然后由Joon 接替John。 由于我的xml储存在Nvarchar(max)一栏中,我写上了一个功能,把该栏放在我可以使用的xml变量上。 我无法列举的是,如何找到哪些项目与这一价值相匹配,如何仅取而代之(即John )。




replace Value of (XMLDML)

Specifically, you might try something like this:

-- Setup test data
declare @table table (
    col nvarchar(max) not null
insert into @table select
 <memberHours type="TeamHours[]"> 
  <member type="String">Bill</member> 
  <hours type="Decimal">0.0</hours> 
  <member type="String">John</member> 
  <hours type="Decimal">0.0</hours> 
  <member type="String">Sally</member> 
  <hours type="Decimal">0.0</hours> 

-- Set search/replace vars
declare @oldval nvarchar(max) =  John 
declare @newval nvarchar(max) =  Jon 
declare @oldcol xml
declare @newcol xml

-- Loop over records fitting the search
while exists (
    select null
    from (
        select cast(col as xml) as col
        from @table
    ) as a
    where col.exist( /memberHours/item/member[(text()[1]) eq sql:variable("@oldval")] ) = 1
) begin

    -- Grab a record as xml
    set @oldcol = (
        select top 1 col
        from (
            select cast(col as xml) as col
            from @table
        ) as a
        where col.exist( /memberHours/item/member[(text()[1]) eq sql:variable("@oldval")] ) = 1
    set @newcol = @oldcol

    -- Modify xml data
    while @newcol.exist( /memberHours/item/member[(text()[1]) eq sql:variable("@oldval")] ) = 1 begin
        set @newcol.modify( 
            replace value of (/memberHours/item[member=sql:variable("@oldval")]/member/text())[1] with sql:variable("@newval")

    -- Update table
    update @table
    set col = cast(@newcol as nvarchar(max))
    where cast(cast(col as xml) as nvarchar(max)) = cast(@oldcol as nvarchar(max)) -- Cast both for equality test!


-- Test output
select * from @table


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