English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to quote this parameter in perl module
  • 时间:2012-04-10 03:59:30
  •  标签:
  • perl
  • twitter

我试图使用“任何发明”:Twitter:Stream模块,我想提一个文件,列出Twitter uids,我想照此办理。 我可以把女子放在法典本身,并做如下工作:

my $done = AnyEvent->condvar;
       my $nt_filter = AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream->new(
             username => $cf{account},
             password => $cf{password},
           method =>  filter ,
           follow =>  15855509,14760150,18598536 ,
            on_tweet => sub {
                 #some code.....
            on_error => sub {
                my $error = shift;
                debug "ERROR: $error";
            timeout => 45,


my $done = AnyEvent->condvar;
       my $nt_filter = AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream->new(
           open UID_FILE, "/tmp/uids" or die $!;

           my @uid_line = <UID_FILE>;

             username => $cf{account},
             password => $cf{password},
           method =>  filter ,
           follow => @uid_file,
            on_tweet => sub {
                  #some code....
            on_error => sub {
                my $error = shift;
                debug "ERROR: $error";
            timeout => 45,

它失败了。 The uids file has the following content:


I m从Twitter中发现406个错误,表明格式不正确。 猜测引言不正确?


The AnyEvent:Twitter:Stream 模块子类别<代码>AnyEvent,你根本不需要进入基单元。 所有功能均由<条码>新方法及你具体指明的背书提供,并附有<条码>。

。 页: 1 任何Event:Twitter:Stream->new。

此外,你为提供<代码><<<<<> > >参数>的价值而使用的变量是@uid_file,而不是@uid_line

页: 1 <代码>严格使用;和use presss;, at thestart of their programmes, especially if You arequest for help with them. 这将把你本来可以忽略的那种简单错误trap起来。

一般来说,你可以使用一个阵列来提供单一的微粒价值。 在这种情况下,只要档案仅有一个单一线(因此阵列中只有一个要素),它就可能是科索沃的,但还有许多可能是错误的。



open my $uid_fh,  < ,  /tmp/uids  or die $!;
my @uids;
push @uids, /d+/g for <$uid_fh>;

(Note that these lines belong before the call to AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream->new)


follow => join( , , @uids),

我希望这一点是明确的。 请再次询问是否需要进一步帮助。



use strict;
use warnings;

use AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream;

open my $uid_fh,  < ,  /tmp/uids  or die $!;
my @uids;
push @uids, /d+/g for <$uid_fh>;

my %cf = (
  account =>  myaccount ,
  password =>  password ,

my $nt_filter = AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream->new(
  username => $cf{account},
  password => $cf{password},
  method =>  filter ,
  follow => join( , , @uids),
  on_tweet => sub {
    #some code....
  on_error => sub {
    my $error = shift;
    debug "ERROR: $error";
  timeout => 45,



   open UID_FILE, "/tmp/uids" or die $!;

   # Load the first line of uids
   my $uid_line = <UID_FILE>;

   # Remove apostrophes from input.
   # This may or may not be necessary
   $uid_line =~ s/ //g;

   # Don t forget to close the file

   my $done = AnyEvent->condvar;
   my $nt_filter = AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream->new(

         username => $cf{account},
         password => $cf{password},
       method =>  filter ,
       follow => $uid_line,
        on_tweet => sub {
              #some code....
        on_error => sub {
            my $error = shift;
            debug "ERROR: $error";
        timeout => 45,

也许你需要从你的输入线上脱下主线和拖网。 例如:

$uid_line =~ s/^ //;
$uid_line =~ s/ $//;


$uid_line =~ s/ //g;

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