English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to detect dirtyness when removing item from a store?

我拥有从服务器中回收的物品。 我愿发现一些变化,以相应地改变统一分类制度。

我能够发现 d脏记录(新、更新),但我不知道如何发现删除,我也需要处理。

An illustration of my problem: http://jsfiddle.net/MikeAski/bBUB2/




  1. Keep track of what posts were originally there so you can mark it as dirty if one is deleted.
  2. Keep track of new posts, and if they are deleted then mark that part as clean.

Because of your call to each post s isDirty function, you are only checking if the current posts have been updated or created. You basically need a snapshot of what posts exist when it is clean, and then you can compare if any of those have been deleted.

你们也可以保存新增加的员额记录。 这样,删除一个字句时,你就可以核对是否添加(添加一个<>条码>:新的旗帜或类似的国旗)。 删除后,如果可以检查<条码>---------------------/代码>,并用其他方式加以标明,即可将其删除。


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