English 中文(简体)
利用JAVA sql向不同的远程MySQL服务器开放两个长期连接的可能性?
原标题:Possible to open two persistent connections to different remote MySQL servers using JAVA sql?

So I m trying to run a code which creates a table in a remote MySQL server, by referencing tables located in a different MYSQL server. The server that I am trying to create a table in has space limitations, and the tables that are being referenced are very large, so they have to be kept on a different remote server.

我试图找到一种办法,同时(利用日本银行图书馆)建立与这两个数据库的持续联系,因此我不必对少量数据线进行缓冲。 我只想直接参考数据。

E.g. Database A contains the data I am referencing, and Database B is where I am creating the new tables. say the table I am referencing in Database A is 1,000,000 lines. Instead of, say, opening a connection to Database A, buffering 10,000 lines, closing the connection, opening a connection to Database B, writing the that database, deleting my buffer, and repeating...

I d like to just have a persistent connection to database A, so every write to Database B can reference the data in Database A.

这是可能的吗? 我尝试了几种方式(主要是通过制造新的连接物体,只有在连接中断时才能复读),而且我似乎不能让这一想法发挥作用。

Has anyone done something similar to this using JDBC? If so, It would be much appreciated if you could point me in the right direction, or tell me how you managed to get it working.



或者,它像你重新实施某种问题一样。 我曾经在贾瓦建造了一个数据范围方案,利用了盖埃接口的内在实施。 我已经读过数据库A的数据并填充了电线,并读到数据库B的透镜。


Here s the code, somewhat tweaked for publishing. I haven t include the config classes, but it should give you the idea of how to use the queue class;

package test;

import java.io.File;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;

 * This class implements a JDBC bridge between databases, allowing data to be
 * copied from one place to another.
 * <p>This implementation is threaded, as it uses a {@link BlockingQueue} to pass
 * data between a producer and a consumer.
public class DBBridge {

    public static void main( String[] args ) {

        Adaptor fromAdaptor = null;
        Adaptor toAdaptor = null;

        BridgeConfig config = null;

        try {
            /* BridgeConfig is essentially a wrapper around the Simple XML serialisation library.
             * http://simple.sourceforge.net/
            config = BridgeConfig.loadConfig( new File( "db-bridge.xml" ) );
        catch ( Exception e ) {
            System.err.println( "Failed to read or parse db-bridge.xml: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() );
            System.exit( 1 );

        BlockingQueue<Object> b = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Object>( config.getQueueSize() );

        try {
            HashMap<String, DatabaseConfig> dbs = config.getDbs();

            System.err.println( "Configured DBs" );

            final String sourceName = config.getSource();
            final String destinationName = config.getDestination();

            if ( !dbs.containsKey( sourceName ) ) {
                System.err.println( sourceName + " is not a configured database connection" );
                System.exit( 1 );

            if ( !dbs.containsKey( destinationName ) ) {
                System.err.println( destinationName + " is not a configured database connection" );
                System.exit( 1 );

            DatabaseConfig sourceConfig = dbs.get( sourceName );
            DatabaseConfig destinationConfig = dbs.get( destinationName );

            try {
                 * Both adaptors must be created before attempting a connection,
                 * as otherwise I ve seen DriverManager pick the wrong driver!
                fromAdaptor = AdaptorFactory.buildAdaptor( sourceConfig, sourceConfig );
                toAdaptor = AdaptorFactory.buildAdaptor( destinationConfig, destinationConfig );

                System.err.println( "Connecting to " + sourceName );

                System.err.println( "Connecting to " + destinationName );

                /* We ll send our updates to the destination explicitly */
                toAdaptor.getConn().setAutoCommit( false );
            catch ( SQLException e ) {
                System.err.println( "Failed to create and configure adaptors" );
                System.exit( 1 );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                System.err.println( "Failed to load JDBC driver due to error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() );
                System.exit( 1 );

            DataProducer producer = null;
            DataConsumer consumer = null;

            try {
                producer = new DataProducer( config, fromAdaptor, b );
                consumer = new DataConsumer( config, toAdaptor, b );
            catch ( SQLException e ) {
                System.err.println( "Failed to create and configure data producer or consumer" );
                System.exit( 1 );

        catch ( Exception e ) {

    public static class DataProducer extends DataLogger {

        private BridgeConfig config;
        private Adaptor adaptor;
        private BlockingQueue<Object> queue;

        public DataProducer(BridgeConfig c, Adaptor a, BlockingQueue<Object> bq) {
            super( "Producer" );
            this.config = c;
            this.adaptor = a;
            this.queue = bq;

        public void run() {
            /* The tables to copy are listed in BridgeConfig */
            for ( Table table : this.config.getManifest() ) {

                PreparedStatement stmt = null;
                ResultSet rs = null;

                try {
                    String sql = table.buildSourceSelect();
                    this.log( "executing: " + sql );
                    stmt = this.adaptor.getConn().prepareStatement( sql );


                    rs = stmt.getResultSet();

                    ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();

                    /* Notify consumer that a new table is to be processed */
                    this.queue.put( table );
                    this.queue.put( meta );

                    final int columnCount = meta.getColumnCount();

                    while ( rs.next() ) {
                        ArrayList<Object> a = new ArrayList<Object>( columnCount );

                        for ( int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++ ) {
                            a.add( rs.getObject( i + 1 ) );

                        this.queue.put( a );
                catch ( InterruptedException ex ) {
                catch ( SQLException e ) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

                try {
                    /* refresh the connection */
                    /* Can t remember why I can this line - maybe the other
                     * end kept closing the connection. */
                catch ( SQLException e ) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

            try {
                /* Use an object of a specific type to "poison" the queue
                 * and instruct the consumer to terminate. */
                this.log( "putting finished object into queue" );
                this.queue.put( new QueueFinished() );

            catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            catch ( SQLException e ) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block


    /* Superclass for producer and consumer */
    public static abstract class DataLogger extends Thread {

        private String prefix;

        public DataLogger(String p) {
            this.prefix = p;

        protected void log( String s ) {
            System.err.printf( "%d %s: %s%n", System.currentTimeMillis(), this.prefix, s );

        protected void log() {

    public static class DataConsumer extends DataLogger {

        private BridgeConfig config;
        private Adaptor adaptor;
        private BlockingQueue<Object> queue;
        private int currentRowNumber = 0;
        private int currentBatchSize = 0;
        private long tableStartTs = -1;

        public DataConsumer(BridgeConfig c, Adaptor a, BlockingQueue<Object> bq) throws SQLException {

            super( "Consumer" );

            this.config = c;
            this.adaptor = a;
            this.queue = bq;

            /* We ll send our updates to the destination explicitly */
            this.adaptor.getConn().setAutoCommit( false );

        public void printThroughput() {
            double duration = ( System.currentTimeMillis() - this.tableStartTs ) / 1000.0;
            long rowsPerSec = Math.round( this.currentRowNumber / duration );
            this.log( String.format( "%d rows processed, %d rows/s", this.currentRowNumber, rowsPerSec ) );

        public void run() {

            this.log( "running" );

            Table currentTable = null;
            ResultSetMetaData meta = null;

            int columnCount = -1;

            PreparedStatement stmt = null;

            while ( true ) {
                try {
                    Object o = this.queue.take();

                    if ( o instanceof Table ) {
                        currentTable = (Table) o;

                        this.log( "processing" + currentTable );

                        if ( this.currentBatchSize > 0 ) {
                            /* Commit outstanding rows from previous table */


                            this.currentBatchSize = 0;

                        /* refresh the connection */
                        this.adaptor.getConn().setAutoCommit( false );

                         * Arguably, there s no need to flush the commit buffer
                         * after every table, but I like it because it feels
                         * tidy.
                        this.currentBatchSize = 0;
                        this.currentRowNumber = 0;

                        if ( currentTable.isTruncate() ) {
                            this.log( "truncating " + currentTable );
                            stmt = this.adaptor.getConn().prepareStatement( "TRUNCATE TABLE " + currentTable );

                        this.tableStartTs = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    else if ( o instanceof ResultSetMetaData ) {

                        this.log( "received metadata for " + currentTable );

                        meta = (ResultSetMetaData) o;
                        columnCount = meta.getColumnCount();

                        String sql = currentTable.buildDestinationInsert( columnCount );
                        stmt = this.adaptor.getConn().prepareStatement( sql );
                    else if ( o instanceof ArrayList ) {

                        ArrayList<?> a = (ArrayList<?>) o;

                        /* One counter for ArrayList access, one for JDBC access */
                        for ( int i = 0, j = 1; i < columnCount; i++, j++ ) {

                            try {
                                stmt.setObject( j, a.get( i ), meta.getColumnType( j ) );
                            catch ( SQLException e ) {
                                /* Sometimes data in a shonky remote system
                                 * is rejected by a more sane destination
                                 * system. Translate this data into
                                 * something that will fit. */
                                if ( e.getMessage().contains( "Only dates between" ) ) {

                                    if ( meta.isNullable( j ) == ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable ) {
                                        this.log( "Casting bad data to null: " + a.get( i ) );
                                        stmt.setObject( j, null, meta.getColumnType( j ) );
                                    else {
                                        this.log( "Casting bad data to 0000-01-01: " + a.get( i ) );
                                        stmt.setObject( j, new java.sql.Date( -64376208000L ), meta.getColumnType( j ) );
                                else {
                                    throw e;



                        if ( this.currentBatchSize == this.config.getBatchSize() ) {
                             * We ve reached our non-committed limit. Send the
                             * requests to the destination server.


                            this.currentBatchSize = 0;
                    else if ( o instanceof QueueFinished ) {
                        if ( this.currentBatchSize > 0 ) {
                            /* Commit outstanding rows from previous table */



                            this.log( "completed" );

                        /* Exit while loop */
                    else {
                        throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected obeject in queue: " + o.getClass() );
                catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                catch ( SQLException e ) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

            try {
            catch ( SQLException e ) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    public static final class QueueFinished {
         * This only exists as a completely type-safe value in "instanceof"
         * expressions

在一项方案中,我写了一封信,然后回来做工作,我有两个同时的联系。 如果不取消法典,你就希望

public void initialize() {

    String dbUrl, dbUrl2, dbClass, dbClass2, user, user2, password, password2;
    Connection con, con2;
    Statement stmt, stmt2;
    ResultSet rs, rs2;

    try {
        con = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl,user,password);
        con2 = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl2,user2,password2);
        stmt = con.createStatement();
    } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
    catch(SQLException e) {


rs = stmt.executeQuery("query");
rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery("second query");

我不知道如何具体解决你的问题,但这一法典可能对你的制度(假设你没有高端的个人/公司机器)征税,可以同时使用。 这应当使你至少能够开始,如果我能够的话,我会再说一遍,令人悲伤的是,它使一个版本变得过于复杂。 Good!

我认为,通过两条互联、阅读连接和书写联系,并通过 your应用程序,利用一种小的缓冲,通过这些数据,是最好的。

另一个更为复杂但可能更为棘手的解决办法是使用经过紧急审查的表格。 它就一个遥远的服务器提出了一张表。 这些询问转给了远程服务器,结果被退回。 你们必须仔细研究指数,否则就会真正缓慢,但会为你们想要做的工作而努力。


此前我已经这样做,我建议你做我所做的事,即从亚洲开发银行获得你所需要的数据,并将数据作为文件库的发言稿输入1个或更多档案。 当我这样做时,我不得不分成大约10份档案,因为对档案数量的限制是装在非行的。

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