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无法执行手稿 - 释放或引渡
原标题:Unable to execute mysql script - CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE TRIGGER via Python

我确实对我前面写的我的手稿感到麻烦,试图用我的手法阅读,也执行。 在这里,我简单的我的手稿被删除。

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `employee_db`.`func_create_token`;

CREATE FUNCTION `employee_db`.`func_create_token`() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) DETERMINISTIC
    DECLARE `chars` VARCHAR(26);
    DECLARE `charLen` INT;
    DECLARE `randomPassword` VARCHAR(100);
    SET `charLen` = LENGTH(`chars`);
    SET `randomPassword` =   ;

    WHILE LENGTH(`randomPassword`) < 12 DO
        SET `randomPassword` = CONCAT(`randomPassword`, SUBSTRING(`chars`, CEILING(RAND() * `charLen`), 1));

    RETURN `randomPassword`;

我能够直接执行这一职能。 迄今没有任何问题。 但是,试图读一下金字的q子,然后加以执行,总是会导致错误,我有些how可以解决。 下面请看一看 p的功能:

# Function to execute sql file
def execute_sql_script(path_to_sql: os.PathLike[str], title: str) -> None:
    # Read sql file from folder `sql`
        with open(path_to_sql,  r ) as f:
            queries : list = f.read().split( ; )
            queries : list = [q.strip() for q in queries if q.strip()]
    except FileNotFoundError as f:
        print(color.BOLD + color.RED + f File couldn t be read. Please check error: {e}  + color.END)
    # Execute sql script with progress bar
        with alive_bar(len(queries), dual_line = True, title = title, force_tty = True) as bar:
            for _, query in enumerate(queries):
    except Error as e:
        print(color.BOLD + color.RED + f Error in executing sql script. Check error: {e}  + color.END)


Create Function - Employee |███▋⚠︎                                   | (!) 1/11 [
[1m[91mError in executing sql script. Check error: 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near    at line 3[0m


Create Function - Employee |████████████████████████████████████████| 27/27 [100

您读到文字,将这种投入分成关于<代码>的单项内容表; 特性,并执行其中每一项发言。

但是,MySQL的常规体内有<条码>;。 如果你把关于<代码>的意见分开; 性质,请:

CREATE FUNCTION `employee_db`.`func_create_token`() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) DETERMINISTIC
    DECLARE `chars` VARCHAR(26);

这并不是一份完整的《任择议定书》声明。 它过早地终止了第一个<代码>; 性质,因为你告诉它如何分拨投入。 该名教授希望<条码>BEGIN有<>END,但该代码为t。

This is why simply splitting on ; is not sufficient. You would need to keep track of any BEGIN...END blocks, including nested blocks.

You would also need to parse the input to make sure you aren t finding a ; character that s part of a string literal, or inside a comment, or even part of an SQL identifier.


A second alternative is to do what the MySQL client does when it reads an SQL script: you d need to support the DELIMITER command, and use delimiters in your SQL script that are not ;, and not any other character found in the body of the stored routine. You d need to parse the input line by line, until you found the current delimiter (since it won t be ;).


It s up to you. You can spend hours or days writing a parser that does this in Python. Or you could run the mysql client and be done with your task in five minutes.

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