English 中文(简体)
原标题:merge changes to git repo as if they had happened in the past
  • 时间:2012-04-11 11:34:10
  •  标签:
  • git

如果显而易见(或不可能的话),我会 new新。

我正在使用该系统网站。 我经常遇到这样的情况,即我对第三人部分做了修改,然后更新。

我怎么能像在我改变之前所做的那样,补充更新内容的改动? 或者这一重写历史吗?

我是否从引入该构成部分的旧承诺中设立了一个分支,加上更新的法典,然后并入主? 次级模块? 或者,我 bar开错误的树子,这种情况最好以另一种方式处理?




  • master : every time you get a new snapshot of the component, commit it to this branch
  • tweaks : a branch based off the master branch, which contains the commits that constitute your custom tweaks

每次更新主编时,都要更新内容的新缩略,在<条码>上重新建立<条码>tweaks。 分支:

$ git rebase master tweaks



Grab the first snapshot & store it on the master branch

mkdir my-fork-of-shinything
cd my-fork-of-shinything
git init
cp -R /tmp/shinything-snapshot-1 .  # copy the snapshot of code into your repo
git add -A    // stages ALL directory contents for commit
git commit -m "V1 snapshot of the shinything component"


Add your tweaks on a new tweaks branch

git checkout -b tweaks   // creates your new branch
... make your tweaks, commit them


Grab a new component snapshot, update master & tweaks branches

git checkout master
rm -Rf * // delete the contents of the old snapshot
cp -R /tmp/shinything-snapshot-2 . // get the brand new snapshot in place
git add -A
git commit -m "V2 snapshot of shinything, brings fix for #234"

Your master branch now has an updated history of the component, with a commit for each snapshot update. Finally rebase the tweaks branch on to the master branch - each of the commits on your tweaks branch will be replayed, one after the other, on top of the new tip of the master branch:

git rebase master tweaks // re-bases the commits from your tweaks branch

More tweaks?


git checkout tweaks
... make your tweaks, commit them

页: 1

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