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PHP Input Validation - Situation to be known?
原标题:PHP Input Validation - Things to be aware of?

我正在设立一个功能,验证用户对案文的投入。 由于我对投入案文有多种用途,我希望这一职能能够涵盖尽可能多的领域,涉及在网站任何部分发布用户投入案文的安全关切。 目前,我利用各种密码,根据需要验证各种投入,并试图将其中的安全部分合并为一项职能,并将(电子邮件、电话、密码验证)并入另一个可在网站使用的系统。



$find = strtoupper($find); 
$find = strip_tags($find); 
$find = trim ($find);
$_SESSION[ find ] = $find;
$keywords_array = explode(   , $find);

如果我使用<代码>strip_tags 在应用上述过滤器之前验证这种投入是有意义的:

if (preg_match("#script#",$_POST[ search ]))
            // Get user ip
            // Log client details to DB
            $GLOBALS[ errorFocus ] = "autofocus class= thisInputIsError ";
            $GLOBALS[ searchError ] =  <p>Your IP has been logged!</p> ;


Also what other things should I be watching out for in general in regards to the function I am trying to put together?




php does have filtering and validation built-in, read http://php.net/manual/en/book.filter.php you might also consider HTMLpurifier or tidy if you want custom-filter HTML content



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