English 中文(简体)
原标题:Objective C compilation with gcc 4.6.2

我正试图在窗口上学习目标c。 我的方案以警告汇编成册。


#include <objc/Object.h>

@interface Greeter:Object
  /* This is left empty on purpose:
   ** Normally instance variables would be declared here,
   ** but these are not used in our example.

- (void)greet;


#include <stdio.h>

@implementation Greeter

- (void)greet
    printf("Hello, World!


#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
    id myGreeter;
    myGreeter=[[Greeter alloc] init];
    [myGreeter greet];
    [myGreeter release];
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


 gcc -o Greeter Greeter.m -I /GNUstep/System/Library/Headers -L /GNUstep/System/Libra
 /Libraries -lobjc -lgnustep-base -fconstant-string-class=NSConstantString


:  Greeter  may not respond to  +alloc  [enabled by default]
: (Messages without a matching method signature [enabled by default]
: will be assumed to return  id  and accept [enabled by default]
:  ...  as arguments.) [enabled by default]
: no  -init  method found [enabled by default]
: no  -release  method found [enabled by default]





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#include <objc/runtime.h>

@interface Object
    Class isa;

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我修改了我的法典如下。 这部法律汇编了罚款,但我不敢肯定这是否是处理事情的正确途径。

@interface Greeter
  /* This is left empty on purpose:
   ** Normally instance variables would be declared here,
   ** but these are not used in our example.

- (void)greet;

+ (id)alloc;
- (id)init;
- release;


#include <stdio.h>

@implementation Greeter

- (void)greet
    printf("Hello, World!

+ (id)alloc
    printf("Object created");
    return self;

- (id)init
    printf("Object instantiated");
    return self;

- release {}


#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
    id myGreeter;
    myGreeter=[[Greeter alloc] init];
    [myGreeter greet];
    [myGreeter release];
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

<代码> 目标类别不执行保留项,因此t有release/code>, ll有free或其他一些方法。 它应当有<代码>+alloc和-init。 由于没有“客观标准”,你不得不打开<条码>objc/Object.h,并确切看到它所提供的东西。

注: 关于海合会4.6.2,objc/Object.h 实际包括<代码>objc/deprecated/Object.h,即支持Object,作为类别可能相当有限。 如果其中不包括:

#import <objc/deprecated/Object.h>

除非你研究目标C的历史,否则试图根据目标类别学习语言是完全浪费时间的。 The Object category was final used Common as a fundamental category in pre-1994 NEXTSTEP.

如果您的目标is到1994年之前学习 因此,目标C指出,如果是,你迄今的答复完全是错误的。 即使目标在于采用现代模式,答案也更加接近<代码>。 我怎么能重新确定NSObject?。 请注意,如果<>>>> 是您的目标......,......这好! 1994年以前 目标C与OOP宏观评估一样,通过这种评估,在金属简单化时有一吨权力。

例如,你说,“我修改了我的法典如下。 这部法律汇编了罚款,但我不清楚这是否是处理事情的正确途径”。

That code compiles, but -- no -- it doesn t work. Not at all. For starters, the +alloc method doesn t actually allocate anything. Nor does the Greeter class implement near enough functionality to act anything like an NSObject.

如果你的目标是学习与现代目标C相近的东西,并利用Windows这样做,那么最好的方法可能是安装全球需求评估工具链。 至少,你将用<条码>NSObject编制一套类似于现代可可的原样(以及在较小的程度上是SOS)。

If your goal is to learn truly modern Objective-C, you ll want an environment that can run the latest versions of LLVM, at the very least. And, of course, if you want to write Objective-C based iOS or Mac OS X apps, you ll want a Mac running Lion.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>


@interface Greeter : NSObject

What I did was to install gcc-4.6 alongside the 4.7 that came with the linux system. It seems to work, as it has a compatability layer 页: 1older code. In my basic Makefile I specify

>     CC=gcc-4.6
>     LIBS=-lobjc -lpthread
>     all:       objc-test.m
>         $(CC)  -o objctest  objc-test.m $(LIBS)

There is nothing "wrong" with using and older version of gcc. The new 4.7 version has gutted the objc system so it is not a stand-alone compilation suite. That sucks. I imagine there is some reason, possibly a political one, possibly just that it is difficult to make one compiler do it all 页: 1everyone. I have successfully made objc programs with gnustep in X86_64 Linux with gcc 4.7.3 after banging out failure 页: 1two days the old way.


1. 建立具有环境变量的环境变量

source /usr/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/GNUstep.sh

and conforming to their build system.
A Basic GNUmakefile:

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make

TOOL_NAME = test

test_OBJC_FILES = main.m  

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tool.make

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主 席:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

main (void)
  NSLog (@"Executing");
  return 0;


g _

1. 以代号<>obj建造二元。

It is actually quite frustrating to fight with the build system like that and have to spend hours teasing out tidbitsfrom docs just to get basic functionality from such a great compiler. I hope they fix it in coming iterations.

Have you tried with [Greeter new]; ? Open Object.h and take a look at the methods defined in the Object class...

EDIT: To implement the alloc, retain and release you have to call the objc runtime. So.. I think you have to write something like this:

@interface RootObject : Object
+ (id)alloc;
- (id)init;
- (id)retain;
- (void)release;

@implementation RootObject
    unsigned int retainCount;

+ (id)alloc
    id myObj = class_createInstance([self class], 0);
    /* FOR NEWBIES this works for GCC (default ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
    id myObj = class_createInstance(self, 0);
    return myObj;
- (id)init
    retainCount = 1;
    return self;
- (id)retain
    return self;
- (void)release
    if (retainCount == 0) {



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