English 中文(简体)
原标题:Second instance of script runs the exact same code as the first one
  • 时间:2012-04-12 09:31:26
  •  标签:
  • php

该书应使用文件锁等书写记录文档,以确保同时操作的文字不会出现任何阅读/仪式的复杂情况。 我从别处搬走。 当我同时两次尝试管理时,我注意到,它完全忽视了24小时档案。 然而,当我连续管理他们时,24小时的档案只是罚款。

这没有任何意义。 如果档案存在,则该书仅作检查,并据此行事。 无论是否使用另一条文字,都不应影响它。 我进行了两次检查,以确保这两起案件都建立了锁档案。



Started at: 2012-04-12 11:21:00 
Checking if weblog/20120412test.txt.1.wlock exists
Got lock: weblog/20120412test.txt.1.wlock
log file not exists, make new
log file was either appended to or create anew
Wrote: 2012-04-12 11:21:00 xx.xx.xx.xxx "testmsg" 


Started at: 2012-04-12 11:21:00 
Checking if weblog/20120412test.txt.1.wlock exists
Got lock: weblog/20120412test.txt.1.wlock
log file not exists, make new
log file was either appended to or create anew
Wrote: 2012-04-12 11:21:00 xx.xx.xx.xxx "testmsg" 

因此,这里有两点错误。 当时的情况,以及该手法篡改锁档案的事实,即使肯定是存在的。


function Weblog_debug($input)
    echo $input."<br/>";
function Weblog($directory, $logfile, $message)
    // Created 15 september 2010: Mirco Babin
    $curtime = time();

    $startedat = date( Y-m-d ,$curtime) . "	" . date( H:i:s , $curtime) .  "	";
    Weblog_debug("Started at: $startedat");

    $logfile = date( Ymd ,$curtime) . $logfile;

    //Set directory correctly
    if (!isset($directory) || $directory === false)
    $directory =  ./ ;
    if (substr($directory,-1) !==  / )
    $directory = $directory .  / ;

    $count = 1;
        $logfilename = $directory . $logfile .  .  . $count;

        $lockfile = $logfilename .  .wlock ;
        $lockhandle = false;
        Weblog_debug("Checking if $lockfile exists");
        if (!file_exists($lockfile))
            $lockhandle = @fopen($lockfile,  xb ); //lock handle true if lock file opened
            Weblog_debug("Got lock: $lockfile");
        if ($lockhandle !== false) break; //break loop if we got lock

        if ($count > 100) return false;

    //log file exists, append
    if (file_exists($logfilename))
        Weblog_debug("log file exists, append");
        $created   = false;
        $loghandle = @fopen($logfilename,  ab );
    //log file not exists, make new
        Weblog_debug("log file not exists, make new");
        $loghandle = @fopen($logfilename,  xb );
        if ($loghandle !== false) //Did we make it?
            $created = true;

            $str =  #version: 1.0  . "
" .
             #Fields: date time c-ip x-msg  . "

    //was log file either appended to or create anew?
    if ($loghandle !== false)
        Weblog_debug("log file was either appended to or create anew");
        $str = date( Y-m-d ,$curtime) . "	" . 
        date( H:i:s , $curtime) .  "	" .
        (isset($_SERVER[ REMOTE_ADDR ]) ? $_SERVER[ REMOTE_ADDR ] :  - ) . "	" .
         "  . str_replace( " ,  "" , $message) .  "  . "

        Weblog_debug("Wrote: $str");

        //Only chmod if new file
        if ($created) chmod($logfilename,0644); // Read and write for owner, read for everybody else

        $result = true;
        Weblog_debug("log file was not appended to or create anew");
        $result = false;

    Sleep & disable unlinking of lock file, both for testing purposes.
    //Sleep for 10sec to allow other instance(s) of script to run while this one still in progress.

    return $result;

echo Weblog("weblog", "test.txt", "testmsg");


这里有一个简单的文字,只显示时间。 我在一个不同的东道国里尝试过,因此我认为这不会给我的服务器造成问题。

function Weblog_debug($input)
    echo $input."<br/>";
$curtime = time();
$startedat = date( Y-m-d ,$curtime) . "	" . date( H:i:s , $curtime) .  "	";
Weblog_debug("Started at: $startedat");

$timediff = time() - $curtime;
while($timediff < 5)
    $timediff = time() - $curtime;




我可以 believe心地相信自己,但是,这只是一种运行中的“形象”。 文字按原样在>。 我希望我测试的是,在我之前,我只去了所有信使,但是有ya。

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