English 中文(简体)
2. 计算小数以补足父母的胎数
原标题:Set the JPanel size to fill parent with little margin

我有两个Jpanel(JpanelLeftJpanelLeftContent)可以如何使JpanelLeftContent在左边稍有余地地补足父母。 i) 尝试了不同的布局,试图改变飞跃和飞跃的价值,但都没有给我带来良好结果。

  JPanel JpanelLeft = new JPanel();
  JPanel JpanelLeftContent = new JPanel();





import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class InsetTesting extends JFrame
    private void createAndDisplayGUI()

        JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
                                    Color.DARK_GRAY.darker(), 5, true));

        add(contentPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    public Insets getInsets()
        return (new Insets(30, 20, 10, 20));

    public Dimension getPreferredSize()
        return (new Dimension(200, 400));

    public static void main(Stringu005Bu005D args)
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
            public void run()
                new InsetTesting().createAndDisplayGUI();



To make a JPanel appear rounded, you need to make your own class that extends JPanel, override paintComponent and draw the panel as an ellipse Javadoc here This will create a customized object which is an JPanel.

当你具体说明贵方略号时,你想从上级小组获得Y和X值(因为你会增加你对另一个小组的长篇大论),然后从X-轴心中删除你希望的颜色。 可以通过将这些价值观传给“智者小组”构造者来实现。

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