使用谷歌应用器和存储器的Im。 此前,我正在使用MySQL,为我的用户Id领域使用自动加固装置,但现在GAE汽车为每个新实体I仓库生成钥匙,例如g5kZXZ-aGVsbG93b3JsZHIKCxIEVXNlchgNDA
我在客户代码中应当使用什么来储存用户 Id? 是否在利用GAE产生的长期关键因素方面有任何好处,或者在业绩和寻找方面利用小型的内联网? 是否有比其他好处,或者实际上没有任何区别?
Edit: Sorry my question was not clear enough. Here s what I m asking: It s not about length, but does having the lookup key put me a step ahead of not having it? Because if I wanted to look up a user, I d have to look him up by email, but now that I have the key for that row in the "table", does this give me any sort of advantage?