Definitely NO.
The problem you face is coming from the fact that SQL query being a program.
So, you have to follow the syntax rules creating this program, just like with any other program language. If you happen to create a PHP program, you have to take care of the irritating apostrophes as well - you can t put it all over the code in random places, but each have to have it s strict syntactical meaning, or - if an apostrophe being part of the data - it have to be properly escaped.
So, it is just syntax issue.
The best way to solve the problem is to separate the code from the data.
Native prepared statements gives you that possibility.
You can create a program - the query itself - and eventually bind some variables to it, so, the program code and the date being sent to the SQL server separately.
That s why prepared statements considered the best way of creating dynamical SQL queries.
$db->run("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=?",$id);