I realize this question is several years old but my solution for this fully in TI-BASIC is to have something set up like this (example is from my dice roller program built for D&D)
Lbl 00
Menu("How many sides?","Coin",2,"Four",4,"Six",6,"Eight",8,"Ten",10,"Page 2",P
//Page 2 directs to another menu at label P
Lbl P
Menu("How many sides?","Twelve",12,"Twenty",20,"Custom",C,"One hundred (Percentile)",99, Page 1",00,"Quit",XX
You ll see how page 2 is just another menu option that goes to a label like all the others. But it acts like another page or a sub-menu. It does this by going to a label that has another Menu(
command that looks like the first.
To give you another example from the same program let s look at the d20 roller. First you ll notice in the previous code it directs to label 20.
Lbl 20
Menu("Advantage or disadvantage?","Neither",21,"Advantage",22,"Double advantage",23,"Triple advantage",24,"Disadvantage",02,"Back to top",00,"Quit",XX
Back to top goes to the top menu at label 00