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简单的XML(Java Lib)产生的原始格式
原标题:Pretty format of XML generated by Simple (Java Lib)

I am facing a problem regarding readability and cross-platform issues.

我们正在利用某些班级和子级,在飞机上制造我们的国歌。 例如,我将使用一些基本要素(而不是统一原则),但我认为“问题”应当显而易见。

我要求综合框架在简单(http://simple.sourceforge.net/home.php)上实现预期成果。 正如已经说过的那样,如果我只想把联阿特派团作为目标,那么它对于另一个平台的可读性,我将不关心十大运动的眼光和感觉。

So, in my example, I serialize a simple class, the result is:

   <LastCreated>2012-04-15 16:48:59.813 CEST</LastCreated>
      <objectBase class="objects.single.simple.StringObject" _value="">
      <objectBase class="objects.single.simple.StringProperty">
            <object class="objects.single.simple.StringObject" _value="Label">
            <object class="objects.single.simple.StringObject" _value="">


   <LastCreated>2012-04-15 16:48:59.813 CEST</LastCreated>
      <StringObject _value="">
            <StringObject _value="Label">
            <StringObject _value="">

I KNOW将出现班级名称上的无分冲突,而我可以采用的一种选择是简单搜索和替换文字,但也许可以选择以上文所示的方式将“简单”混为一谈。


Thanks for any help or workaround ideas, Chris


Like always, after writing it, and going back to the docs, I found it :-)
It is the last entry on the tutorial page, in my example this does the trick:
EDIT This does not work with more then one element, dont ask me why EDIT

  @ElementListUnion({@ElementList(entry = "StringObject", type = StringObject.class)})
  private ArrayList<T> _items = new ArrayList<T>();

我所用的解决办法稍微复杂,但取得了一些成就。 我将在此请来文方向您指出正确的方向(标本是我想要“重新命名”上述方式的所有物体的基本类别):

public class FormatVisitor implements Visitor
    private static ILogger _logger = LogManager.GetLogger(FormatVisitor.class);
    public void read(Type type, NodeMap<InputNode> strings) throws Exception


    public void write(Type type, NodeMap<OutputNode> node)
        OutputNode element = node.getNode();

        Class javaType = type.getType();

        if (ObjectBase.class.isAssignableFrom(javaType))
            _logger.Verbose("Old name was " + element.getName());
            _logger.Verbose("Changing name to " + javaType.getSimpleName());

            String className =  element.getAttributes().get("class").getValue();
            Class localClass = Class.forName(className);
            boolean shouldShortenName = ObjectBase.class.isAssignableFrom(localClass);
            if (shouldShortenName)
        catch (Exception e)

        if (ObjectBase.class.isAssignableFrom(javaType))



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