English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to validate translated data?

我使用的是“铁路”(3.2.2),globalize3 (0.20)和batch_translations(0.1.2) 我也希望验证由全球化3处理的翻译数据。 例如,......


class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
  translates :title, :content

  # This is needed to make the batch_translations to work.
  attr_accessible :translations_attributes
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :translations

  validates :title,
    :presence => true,
    :length   => ...
  validates :content,
    :presence => true,
    :length   => ...


... in my ROOT_RAILS/app/views/articles/_form.htmlerb 档案:

<%= form_for(@article) do |f| %>
    English translation:
    <%= f.text_field :title %>
    <%= f.text_field :content %>

    Italiano translation:
    <%= f.globalize_fields_for :it do |g| %>
      <%= g.text_field :title %>
      <%= f.text_field :content %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>

在提交表格时,<代码><<<>/code>和content数值不为I18n. locale。 换言之,为了在数据库中储存对译文的正确信息,如果用户为非缺英文的当地语文提交翻译数据,我谨确认<代码> <<>>> > <> > 代码>和< 代码>content 属性。

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 是否可能? 如果是,

注 问题。



(1) 控制器级测试,在测试中,与当地人提交的表格仍然保留到正确的当地化内容表。 这样做的一种方式就是:

    it "persists localized content for the Italian locale" do
       Article.should_receive(:create).with(:locale =>  it , :title =>  title goes here , :content =>  this is content )
       post :create, :locale =>  it , :title =>  title goes here , :content =>  this is content 

这基本上说,该条模式应当收到这些论点所产生的信息。 我并不完全清楚批量——转译文是如何运作的,因此,你要核实,这就是这些参数如何源自这种风格。

At that point, I think you d be adequately testing that the data got persisted to the database correctly. Anything further would be testing that the Globalize gem works, which you want to avoid. Try and test the boundaries.

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