English 中文(简体)
• 如何界定在Mongoose的通用封条物体
原标题:How to define a generic nested object in Mongoose

我愿详细列出活性原的物体。 See the example. 我如何界定县的图象?

activity: {
    date:  1/1/2012  ,
    user:  benbittly , 
    action:  newIdea , 
    detail: {
         title :  how to nest 
        ,  url :  /path/to/idea 

activity: {
    date:  1/2/2012  ,
    user:  susyq , 
    action:  editProfile , 
    detail: {
         displayName :  Susan Q 
        ,  profileImageSize :  32 
        ,  profileImage :  /path/to/image 


var Activity = new Schema({
    date : Date
  , user : String 
  , action : String
  , detail : Mixed


var activity: new Schema({
    date: Date,
    user: String, 
    action: String, 
    detail: Schema.Types.Mixed,
    meta: {}  // equivalent to Schema.Types.Mixed


The catch

但是,如果增加灵活性,就会出现一种捕获。 在使用<代码>Mixed(或{><>>>>/code>时,您必须明确表明,您已经做了改动:

activity.detail.title = "title";
activity.markModified( detail );


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