English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to read in special keys with Win32::Console?

当我发布<条码>Up-key时,本字母(。 术语:TermKey输出You pressed: <Up>

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use 5.012;
use Term::TermKey;

my $tk = Term::TermKey->new( *STDIN );
say "Press any key";
$tk->waitkey( my $key );
say "You pressed: <" . $tk->format_key( $key, 0 ) . ">";

How could I reach the same result with Win32::Console?
I tried this, but it worked only on "normal" keys like l,k, ... but not with keys like Up, Delete, ...

use Win32::Console;

my $in = Win32::Console->new(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
my $result = $in->InputChar(1);
say "<$result>";

我怎么能够把工作钥匙如<代码>Up,Delete ,...也与Win32:Console一起?


关键因素不会产生特性。 <代码>InputChar不能返回。 您需要使用<代码>Input。

my $con_in = Win32::Console->new(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
for (;;) {
   my @event = $con_in->Input();

   my $event_type = shift(@event);
   next if !defined($event_type) || $event_type != 1;  # 1: Keyboard

   my ($key_down, $repeat_count, $vkcode, $vscode, $char, $ctrl_key_state) = @event;
   if ($vkcode == VK_UP && ($ctrl_key_state & SHIFTED_MASK) == 0) {
      if ($key_down) {
         say "<Up> pressed/held down" for 1..$repeat_count;
      } else {
         say "<Up> released";

See KEY_EVENT_RECORD,用于了解有关关键板事件的更多信息。

Virtual-Key Codes,以查明关键人物。


use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say );

use Win32::Console qw( STD_INPUT_HANDLE );

use constant {
   RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED  => 0x0001,
   LEFT_ALT_PRESSED   => 0x0002,
   RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED => 0x0004,
   LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED  => 0x0008,
   SHIFT_PRESSED      => 0x0010,

   VK_UP => 0x26,

use constant SHIFTED_MASK =>


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