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原标题:Eventlistener not working when mouse entering ID within svg file


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>SVG Mouse Pointer Change</title>
    #svg5 {
        width: 50%; /* Adjust the width as needed */
        height: auto; /* Maintain aspect ratio */
    window.onload = function() {
        var svgObject = document.getElementById( svg5 );
        svgObject.addEventListener( load , function() {
            var svgDocument = svgObject.contentDocument;
            var rect = svgDocument.getElementById( rect237 );

          // Function to change mouse pointer to crosshair
            function changeCursorToCrosshair() {
                console.log("Mouse entered rect237");
                document.body.style.cursor =  crosshair ;

            // Function to change mouse pointer to default
            function changeCursorToDefault() {
                console.log("Mouse left rect237");
                document.body.style.cursor =  default ;

            // Add event listener for mouse enter
            rect.addEventListener( mouseenter , function() {
                console.log("Mouse entered rect237");

            // Add event listener for mouse leave
            rect.addEventListener( mouseleave , function() {
                console.log("Mouse left rect237");


<object id="svg5" type="image/svg+xml" data="./img/simple_pitch.svg"></object>


然而,在测试该法典时,没有发生任何情况。 我增加了一些ole木,但没有显示。 我希望有人能够让我知道我所失踪的人。



Two things: Since the <object> s data is set inline in the markup, the window.load event will wait for the <object> s load event before it fires. So when you are in the window.load event handler, the <object> s one has already fired and won t again until its data attribute changes.
This means that the svgObject s load event won t fire and your callback won t be called.
So remove the line svgObject.addEventListener( load , ... and call directly your code in the window.onload event handler.

Then, document.body.style.cursor = crosshair ; will set the cursor of the outer HTML document s <body> tag, but the element you are hovering is the inner SVG document s <rect> element. Both documents are isolated and the <object> s inner document will capture the pointer events, including the setting of the cursor.
If you want to change the cursor, you can set it to svgDocument.documentElement.style.cursor = ....
(Obviously you could also have achieved the same with a simple rect { cursor: crosshair } CSS rule, but I get it s just a test to use events.)

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