在我的发展中环境中,我的工作十分出色,但环境却不幸地失败。 具体来说,出现了一系列问题:
它无法阅读假名/网站/sf/目录,因此没有装上所需的图像,因为它称该项目已经成功建立。 然而,在前线我看来,问题比表面上更严重。
I did an inspect element and the problem seems to be this, instead of routing to /web/css or /sfDoctrinePlugin or /web/js it prefixes the name of the app [controlcenter in my case] to everything, essentially rendering the HTML as: href = "/controlcenter/web/css" or href = "/controlcenter/js" or href = "/controlcenter/js" . And this does not happen at all on my dev environment and things render the way they do.
Fixits anyone?