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JPA 1.2 创立 条款标准
原标题:JPA 1.2 createQuery Where Clause Criteria

Hi there I am complete newbie to JPA. I am trying to select a particular set of records using one column as the criteria. My entity code was auto generated based on the table structure as follows:

create table TEST.COMPUTERS(
       "COLUMN1" VARCHAR2(6) not null,
       "COLUMN2" VARCHAR2(10) not null,
       "COLUMN3" VARCHAR2(5) not null,
       "COLUMN4" VARCHAR2(8) not null,
       "COLUMN5" VARCHAR2(48),
        constraint "PK" primary key ("COLUMN1","COLUMN2")


@Table(name = "COMPUTERS", schema = "TEST") 
public class Computers implements java.io.Serializable {

 /** full constructor */
        public Computers(ComputersId id, String column3, String column4,
                String column5) {
            this.id = id;
            this.column3 = column3;
            this.column4 = column4;
            this.column5 = column5;

          public ComputersId getId() {
            return this.id;

      public void setId(ComputersId id) {
        this.id = id;
        // and then ....getter and setter methods for Column 3-5


Query query  =   EntityManagerHelper.getEntityManager().createQuery("SELECT s from Computers s where s.column1 = :column1").setParameter("column1", "SONY LAPTOPS");


An error occurred while parsing the query filter "SELECT s from Computers where s.column1 = :column1". Error message: No field named "column1" in class "class Computers".

任何要点? 许多人表示感谢。


由于Column1是被贪污的一部分 you:

Query query  =   EntityManagerHelper.getEntityManager().createQuery("SELECT s from Computers s where s.id.column1 = :column1").setParameter("column1", "SONY LAPTOPS");

PS:你的栏目似乎选择不好的名字? 也许你应该给他们更多的描述性名称?



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