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原标题:non-STL function object callback usage

On the net I found some examples about function objects (callees) but they did not demonstrate how to use them as an argument for a callback function (which calls them, the caller) but merely the way it is used when using sort or for_each. Therefore, I made one myself:

class CBase
 virtual int operator()(int a, int b)
  return 10;

class CSmaller: public CBase
 int operator()(int a, int b)
  return a < b;

 int Compute(int a, int b)
  return a < b;

class CLarger: public CBase
 int operator()(int a, int b)
  return a > b;

 int Compute(int a, int b)
  return a > b;

int caller(CBase &f, int x0, int x1) 
 return f(x0,x1);

int main()
 CLarger callee1; /*this callee is being called by caller*/
 CSmaller callee2; /*idem*/
 int q=caller(callee1,0,1);
 int z=caller(callee2,0,1);

这些STL功能物体(比较少)是否以这种方式得到实施(因为通常只是在使用一般名称/分类模板之前)? I.e.,这些公司(CLarger和CSmall)是否有关系/共同藏匿处,每个类别都有虚拟功能,或者它们是否也属于某些一般功能目标(只要它们执行(有两种论点的)操作者?) 与此类似(未经过测试):

template<class F>
float integrate(const F &f,float x0,float x1) 

float derive(const F &f,float x0,float x1) 

class CSquare 
 float operator()(float x)
  return x*x;

class CTwoX 
 float operator()(float x)
  return 2*x;

如果是正确的,如何以非STL的方式执行这些非相关的课程? 我知道,使用模板维持基本机制(以这种方式与之相关),但只有类型不同。 但是,是否需要这种关系(即,同样的追随者)?

Is using an overloaded () in a function object only meant for convenience? Because I can use CLarger s Compute as well. I can also merge those separated classes (that used virtual for their different functionality) in a class CCompute with members Larger and Smaller, for example. BTW, I think I can put derive and integrate in a class as well. Do my qeustions make sense, or do my thoughts contradict the STL theory?


你们可以采取两种方式:继承或模板。 这两项要求都不属要求。 STL的功能是模板式的,这意味着只要表达方式f(x)按要求操作,你就可以将任何内容通过<代码>f(例如,功能点人、轨迹——你称之为被点)。





STL algorithms which accept a function argument (for example, a predicate) will generally not care how the argument is created so long as it matches a "function like" interface; all it needs to do is deduce the type with template argument deduction along the lines of

template< typename FwdIter, typename Pred >
FwdIter find_if( FwdIter first, FwdIter last, Pred pred );

/* .. etc ... */

bool is_equal_to_one(int n) { return n == 1; }

int main()
    std::vector<int> foo;
    std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter;
    iter = std::find_if( foo.begin(), foo.end(), is_equal_to_one );

<代码>可能有太多不同的方法。 预设型号,以任何其他方式加以实施(功能、ctor、 st:功能......)。 发现“如果职能依赖<代码>。 Pred 是与bool(*FwdIt)/code>接口相吻合的任何东西。

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