English 中文(简体)
原标题:how to search a hash using the values and return the corresponding key upon success in perl

我正在寻找使用 per的草原。 我有以下数据。

%hash = {0 => "Hello", 1=> "world"}. 




以<代码>(千分百分数)标示的散列钥匙/代码,并核对贵重数值。 如果你找到你所期待的东西,就会返回。

my $hash = { 0 => "World", 1 => "Hello" };

for ( keys %$hash ) {
    my $val = $hash->{$_};
    return $_ if $val eq  World ; # or whatever you are looking for


my $hash = { 0 => "World", 1 => "Hello" };

while (($key, $val) = each %$hash) {
    return $key if $val eq  World ; # or whatever you are looking for

使用<代码>{>}字面字面上添加了斜体,而不是 has。

$h = { a =>  b , c =>  d  };

to create a literal hash you use ( )

%h = ( a =>  b , c =>  d  );


$h = { a =>  b , c =>  d  };
print "$k :: $v
" while (($k, $v) = each %$h );  

c :: d
a :: b


  1. The hash isn t very large, and
  2. The values are unique


my %lookup = reverse %hash;
my $key = $lookup{ world }; # key from %hash or undef
use strict;
use warnings;

my %hash = (0 => "Hello", 1=> "world");
my $val =  world ;

my @keys = grep { $hash{$_} eq $val } keys %hash;

print "Keys: ", join(", ", @keys), "

这将归还所有钥匙,即: 如果对多个钥匙的价值相同。

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