English 中文(简体)
传真 表2. 住房价格指数
原标题:HTML Tables not visible, from PHP code
  • 时间:2012-04-17 05:03:44
  •  标签:
  • php
  • html

我试图成为网页的一部分,这基本上表明用户加入哪组。 我想就表格组提出一个表格,为拥有的集团再提出一个表格,这两个表格都是另一个较大表格的行文。 但是,我尝试的小组却未能表现出来,而集团拥有的集团正在完全进行。 为什么会发生这种情况? 我是否应当制定员额守则?

<table width="90%" height="125" >

<tr  bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><td height="20" colspan="2"><h4>Groups</h4>
 <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
   if($accountid == $_SESSION[ userid ])


    <td width="50%">
    <form name="groupscreate" method="post" onsubmit="return Confirm()">
     <table width="99%" height="6%"  bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> <tr valign="top">

      <td colspan="3"><h5>Create Groups</h5></td></tr>

   <input align="absmiddle" type="text" maxlength="25" name="gname" /><? if($nog==1)    {echo "<br /><font color=red>Please enter a valid groupname</font>";}?></td>
   <td><select name="gcategory"> 
                <option value="General" selected>General</option> 
                <option value="Comedy">Comedy</option> 
                <option value="Education">Education</option> 
                <option value="Entertainment">Entertainment</option> 
                <option value="Gaming">Gaming</option> 
                <option value="Music">Music</option> 
                <option value="Science & Technology">Science & Technology</option> 
                <option value="Sports">Sports</option> 
        </select></td><td><input type="submit" name="makegroup"           value="create group"/></td></tr>

 $grp= "SELECT * from groups where accountid= ". $accountid." ";
  $rest = mysql_query($grp,$connection);
  <td width="50%" >
   <table width="100%" height="20%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" >
    <tr><td colspan="10"><h5>Groups Owned</h5>

   $gid=$grow[ groupid ];
   $gnam=$grow[ groupname ];
   $gcreator=$grow[ accountid ];
    echo "<tr>"; 

 echo "<td align= left  ><a href= groups_discussions.php?id=".$gid." ><font          color="."#333333"." size= -1 >".$gnam."</font></a></td>";

        {echo "</tr>";}



我想知道,一切都看着你们的一切权利。 我可以看到任何错误,但事实是,形式没有显示:



<table width="90%" height="125" bgcolor="orange">
<tr  bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><td height="20" colspan="2"><h4>Groups</h4></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
    <td width="50%">
    <form name="groupscreate" method="post" onsubmit="return Confirm()">
        <table width="99%" height="6%"  bgcolor="green"> 
            <tr valign="top">
                <td colspan="3"><h5>Create Groups</h5></td>
            <tr bgcolor="blue">
                <td bgcolor="orange">
                    <input align="absmiddle" type="text" maxlength="25" name="gname" />
                        $nog = 1;
                        if($nog == 1)    
                            echo "<br /><font color=red>Please enter a valid groupname</font>";
                <td bgcolor="yellow">
                    <select name="gcategory"> 
                        <option value="General" selected>General</option> 
                        <option value="Comedy">Comedy</option> 
                        <option value="Education">Education</option> 
                        <option value="Entertainment">Entertainment</option> 
                        <option value="Gaming">Gaming</option> 
                        <option value="Music">Music</option> 
                        <option value="Science & Technology">Science & Technology</option> 
                        <option value="Sports">Sports</option> 
                <td bgcolor="red">
                    <input type="submit" name="makegroup" value="create group"/>
    <td width="50%">
        <table width="100%" height="20%" bgcolor="pink" >
        <tr><td colspan="10"><h5>Groups Owned</h5></td></tr>
            //$grp= "SELECT * from groups where accountid= ". $accountid." ";
            //$rest = mysql_query($grp, $connection);
            $rest = array(
                        array( groupid  =>  123 ,  groupname  =>  testname ,  accountid  =>  456 ), 
                        array( groupid  =>  678 ,  groupname  =>  testname2 ,  accountid  =>  999 )
            $cont = 0;
            foreach ($rest as $grow)
                $gid = $grow[ groupid ];
                $gnam = $grow[ groupname ];
                $gcreator = $grow[ accountid ];

                if($cont == 0)
                    echo "<tr>"; 

                echo "<td align= left  ><a href= groups_discussions.php?id=" . $gid . " ><font color="."#333333"." size= -1 >" . $gnam . "</font></a></td>";

                if($cont == 1)
                    echo "</tr>";
                $cont = $cont + 1;



<table width="90%" height="125" >
  <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
    <td height="20" colspan="2">
  <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
if( isset( $_SESSION[ userid ] ) && $accountid==$_SESSION[ userid ] ){ 
    <td width="50%">
      <form name="groupscreate" method="post" onsubmit="return Confirm()">
        <table width="99%" height="6%"  bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
          <tr valign="top">
            <td colspan="3">
              <h5>Create Groups</h5>
              <input align="absmiddle" type="text" maxlength="25" name="gname" />
  if( $nog==1 ){
              <br /><font color="red">Please enter a valid groupname</font>
              <select name="gcategory"> 
                <option value="General" selected>General</option> 
                <option value="Comedy">Comedy</option> 
                <option value="Education">Education</option> 
                <option value="Entertainment">Entertainment</option> 
                <option value="Gaming">Gaming</option> 
                <option value="Music">Music</option> 
                <option value="Science & Technology">Science &amp; Technology</option> 
                <option value="Sports">Sports</option> 
              <input type="submit" name="makegroup" value="create group" />

$grp = "SELECT * from groups where accountid= {$accountid} ";
$rest = mysql_query( $grp , $connection );
$cont = 0;
    <td width="50%" >
      <table width="100%" height="20%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" >
          <td colspan="10">
            <h5>Groups Owned</h5>
if( mysql_num_rows( $rest )>0 ){
  while( $grow = mysql_fetch_array( $rest ) ){
    $gid = $grow[ groupid ];
    $gnam = $grow[ groupname ];
    $gcreator = $grow[ accountid ];
    if( ( $cont%5 )==0 )
      echo  <tr> ;

    echo "<td align= left  ><a href= groups_discussions.php?id={$gid} ><font color= #333333  size= -1 >{$gnam}</font></a></td>

    if( ( $cont%5 )==4 )
      echo  </tr> ;

  echo  <tr><td colspan="10">No Records</td></tr> ;

Might help.

核对这一条件是否匹配:if ($accountid =_$_SESSION[使用]



    <table width="90%" height="125" >
    <tr  bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
        <td height="20" colspan="2"><h4>Groups</h4></td>
    <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
        if($accountid == $_SESSION[ userid ])
        <td width="50%">
            <form name="groupscreate" method="post" onsubmit="return Confirm()">
                <table width="99%" height="6%"  bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> 
                    <tr valign="top">
                        <td colspan="3"><h5>Create Groups</h5></td>
                            <input align="absmiddle" type="text" maxlength="25" name="gname" />
                            <? if($nog==1)    {echo "<br /><font color=red>Please enter a valid groupname</font>";}?>
                            <select name="gcategory"> 
                                <option value="General" selected>General</option> 
                                <option value="Comedy">Comedy</option> 
                                <option value="Education">Education</option> 
                                <option value="Entertainment">Entertainment</option> 
                                <option value="Gaming">Gaming</option> 
                                <option value="Music">Music</option> 
                                <option value="Science & Technology">Science & Technology</option> 
                                <option value="Sports">Sports</option> 
                            <input type="submit" name="makegroup" value="create group"/>

        $grp= "SELECT * from groups where accountid= ". $accountid." ";
        $rest = mysql_query($grp,$connection);
        <td width="50%" >
            <table width="100%" height="20%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" >
                    <td colspan="10"><h5>Groups Owned</h5></td>
                    $gid=$grow[ groupid ];
                    $gnam=$grow[ groupname ];
                    $gcreator=$grow[ accountid ];
                        echo "<tr>"; 

                    echo "<td align= left  ><a href= groups_discussions.php?id=".$gid." ><font          color="."#333333"." size= -1 >".$gnam."</font></a></td>";

                        echo "</tr>";



(1) ......

 $gid=$grow[ groupid ];
 $gnam=$grow[ groupname ];
 $gcreator=$grow[ accountid ];
    echo "<tr>"; 

......自第一次停用1美元后,如果说话,则永远不会火灾。 (单位:0+1=1)

(2) 您在以下几页之后需要重新编号:if($cont=5){echo“</tr>>;>>>;,这样,发言稿的顶部就可形成一个新的<代码><tr>。

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