English 中文(简体)
原标题:Player does not properly get odometry data for Create in multithreaded application

我正在使用制造iRobot的运动员(Player/Stage)。 从机器人那里获取多彩计量数据的接口相当简单:打电话的参与者——客户——阅读,然后,如果你适当订阅了角色2d代理,那么你就应当能够接触代用成员px、py、Pa(乘车旅行)和轮换(在rad)。


然而,当我试图将机器人控制器移至自己(有线人)的深处时,我遇到了一些问题。 问题是,似乎只有px更新。 p和pa一直保持零。

Here s the gist of the robot thread

//declare everything (including the playerc_client_t* object and playerc_position2d_t* object)
//connect to server (in pull mode or push mode, it doesn t seem to matter)
//subscribe to position2d proxy

while(!should_quit) {
double xPosition = position2d->px;
double yPosition = position2d->py;
double radians = position2d->pa;

//do some stuff
sleep(10 milliseconds)
cleanup and unsubscribe


I couldn t find anything else online, is this a known bug? Has anybody else had this issue? Can someone provide insight as to why this may be happening? Thank you.

全面披露: I m a 研究生,用于一个班级项目。


The issue here is not necessarily with threading.




To get accurate odometry for dead reckoning tasks, one either needs to build their own accurate estimator, or use some external sensors that give better information about positional changes.




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