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原标题:Android and threads


(1) 你们何时认为,我应当利用read子和roid子发育?

(2) 如果我有主线的read子,等待着一些变数,然后再显示一个 to子,那么我就想到的是,在一种能够控制这一变数的螺旋read中,有一把(真实) lo。 现在,如果能够确定变量,那么我如何把方法放在第一线上,显示星座。



在多数情况下,直接使用校对并不必要。 深造的方案规划的roid设施是巨大的,容易使用。

You have about three options to call the UI thread from another thread:

  • Handler - set an handler on the other thread from the UI thread, and send it a message when need.
  • AsyncTask - Perform the main task in background, but modify the UI before, during and after completion.
  • PerformOnUiThread - call this method with a runnable to modify the UI on the UI thread.

阅读好的文章是Painless Threading


Never have a while(true) loop that continuously runs. It ll burn massive amounts of resources and, in your case, accomplish very little.

做好了(主要是)背景任务和资源密集型任务的准备(因此,你不会阻挡国际调查的线索)。 a. 建立一个新的通道,使用以下手段:

new Thread(new Runnable(){
    public void run(){
       //do stuff here.



Key Rule:
If you need to to anything that accesses the filesystem, network, image loading, or anything that requires more than simple value or state checks, immediately launch and perform that effort in a thread. As already stated here, a number of options are available, although myself I usually use:

new Thread(new Runnable(){ 
    do stuff here ; 


这可能是坏事,我不知道。 不管怎么说,它对我来说都是好事,确实是你的问题。

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 如果你想利用标准的Java,而不是专门允许这种事情的专用物品,那么,每种观点都附有一种(可声明的)员额方法。 对我来说,这最容易地使我重新登上了国祥之地。

myView.post(new Runnable{

我的一般规则是,从来不把任何东西推到不需要的国库。 希望会有所帮助。

You must use thread, if you want to prevent application from the current error or crash "Application not responding". i use it when i call web services, geolocations.



rel=“nofollow” http://souissihaythem.blogspot.com/201108/application-not-responding-solution.html

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