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原标题:Changing boolean value in class function in java
  • 时间:2012-04-15 12:23:55
  •  标签:
  • java

我们能够改变 j的班级功能中的“蓝色”价值,正如这一变化是当地发挥作用一样。 我们如何能够使以下变化变数反映不采用这种方法?

public void changeboolean(Boolean b)
        if( somecondition )

EDIT The code could be like this:

public String changeboolean(Boolean b,int show)
        if( somecondition )
                return "verify again";
                return "Logout";
        return verifed;


I m searching for something like this




我们能够改变java的班级职能中的“ Boo”价值

No, Boolean is immutable, as all the summarypers for the primitive categories.


  • Return a boolean from your method (best choice)
  • Create a mutable equivalent of Boolean which allows you to set the embedded value. You would then need to modify the value within the instance that the parameter refers to - changing the value of the parameter to refer to a different instance wouldn t help you, because arguments are always passed by value in Java. That value is either a primitive value or a reference, but it s still passed by value. Changing the value of a parameter never changes the caller s variable.
  • Use a boolean[] with a single element as the wrapper type
  • Use AtomicBoolean as the wrapper type

Boolean is immutable, like all the wrappers for the primitive types. Soln: Trying using MutableBoolean of apacheCommon http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/javadocs/api-2.6/org/apache/commons/lang/mutable/MutableBoolean.html

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