I have 3 mariadb galera db s, 2 nginx/php machines at these sizes DBs - E8ds_v5, nginx/php-fpm - D4ds_V5 I am getting really bad performance from mariadb. These machines are in the same vnet, but different subnets for db and web. The two nginx/php-fpm servers share web files through and azure files premium nfs share which seems to be working OK.
我试图将银行的储存升级到P40,但业绩没有变化。 目前,对E20ds_v5进行测试(仅测试一个服务器),储存在SSDv2 (30 000 IOPS, 500 MB/s)上
I am running wordpress benchmarks and timing db queries to a barebones wordpress install with absolutely no change in score no matter what is done. The barebones wordpress install is pointed directly to the upgraded machine at the moment. My next step is to try and use MySQL Flex, but it would be great if I could get this self hosted mariadb working.. no matter what amount of tuning is done, things seem to remain the same, slow.
I think the biggest problem is that I get terrible performance if MySQL is not running locally to where PHP is being processed.
Benchmark of nginx/php-fpm/mariadb on the same VM (Standard_D1_v2) - NODATA
Benchmark of nginx/php-fpm/mariadb on the same VM (Standard_D1_v2) - WITH DATA
https://imgur.com/M3PZ6Rt”rel=“nofollow noreferer”> 在使用2台NGIssel/PHP-FPM服务器时,有1台单独的MySQL 8 FLEX DB(别名次网) Business Critical, E16ds_v5, 16 vCores, 128 GiB RAM, 256 GiBstor DATA
https://imgur.com/O2dHzNS”rel=“nofollow noreferer”> 在使用上述2台NGIssel/PHP-FPM服务器和3台dbs(加拉,不同网络的子网)时,DATA
When using 2 NGINX/PHP-FPM servers with 1 maria db (same subnet) mentioned above NO DATA