DrawMap.java extends View and includes my onDraw(Canvas c). First I m trying to call this method every time the onLocationChanged is called. This means that the Canvas needs to be recalled/updated. How do I do that?
这里是另一回事。 我试图把Canvas与红pic混为一谈。 下面图是:
c.drawBitmap(resizedBitmap, newX, newY, paint);
在这里,我 app倒了我的 app,应该把信 add添加到支架中:
DrawMap d = new DrawMap(this);
FrameLayout frame_map = (FrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.frame_map);
Im利用两种微粒分解屏幕。 左边(图)应显示地图,右边(图形)显示相关信息(可操作)。
What am I doing wrong? Thanks.