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eclipse中解析Android sdk内容和初始化java工具时出错
原标题:Error with parsing Android sdk content and initializing java tooling in eclipse


Android SDK Content Loader: parseSdkContent failed java.lang.NullPointerException

Initializing Java Tooling An internal error occured during: "Initializing Java Tooling". java.lang.NullPointerException

Loading data for Android 2.2 Parsing Data for android-8 failed java.lang.NullPointerException

Loading data for Android 2.3.3 Parsing Data for android-10 failed java.lang.NullPointerException

Loading data for Google APIs (Google Inc.) Parsing Data for Google Inc.: Google APIs:8 failed java.lang.NullPointerException

See link for screenshot: https://i.stack.imgur.com/lhhQQ.png

(我使用的是OS X Lion和Eclipse Helios)

首先,我读到一些帖子,说是.android配置文件中的AVD.ini文件造成了麻烦。我尝试删除整个.android配置文件文件夹,如Android SDK内容加载器失败,出现NullPointerException。这没有纠正我的问题。

我尝试删除整个Android SDK文件夹,再次下载并通过它安装了几个Android版本。仍然是相同的错误消息。。。






  • Backup .metadata
  • delete only .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.project
  • restart eclipse



  • close eclipse
  • copy relevant projects from backup to merge with current projects in .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.project
  • restart eclipse




Solution 1
I looked into my .metadata and read .bak_number.log files . Some layouts failed to parse and my projects were out of sync with the file system. So I deleted all the .bak_number.log files. Relaunch Eclipse and the whole worskspace should work again the way you left previously.

Solution 2
However if it s not due to out of sync with the file system. Change the workspace then import all the eclipse projects from the previous workspace. Thanks the project.properties files , the dependencies are still kept.


  1. 首先关闭Eclipse

  2. Go to your workspace and rename .metadata to tushmetadata and go to tushmetadata- >.plugins -> org.eclipse.core.runtime -> .settings and copy all files from it.

  3. now open the Eclipse and go to your workspace there you can see the newly generated .metadata folder in that go to .plugins -> org.eclipse.core.runtime -> .settings and paste here and do not overwrite any file.

  4. 试着运行“Hello World”项目。




  1. Go to the main work directory of eclipse
  2. Localize the folder com.android.ide.eclipse.adt It should be in .oldMetadata/.plugins/
  3. Copy it to the new eclipse configuration: .metadata/plugins/

See the full solution here: http://www.jiahaoliuliu.com/2011/06/running-android-sdk-in-eclipse-errors.html#solution4


大约一年前,当我遇到这个问题时,我的工作区中有一些项目需要特定的Android SDK级别(比如2.1),但我没有在Android SDK中安装它。


I discovered another cause, where I d added a space character into an otherwise blank line in the project.properties file. When I eventually ran android update project -p . the program (android.exe) threw a NPE exception. When I deleted the space from the blank line the android update project command worked and eclipse started behaving (after running clean a few times).

这种情况发生在Windows7 64位机器上的安卓SDK r20上。


This is just weired. In my case when I took a subversion update, I was getting this problem. The reason was the corruption of my project.properties file (due to subversion conflict). I just corrected the file and problem got solved.



If you are using SVN or GIT please check whether the project.properties has conflicts or not. Sometimes project can not be open because of this.

我希望这对某人有用,并节省他/她的时间:我的同事也面临着同样的问题,我们几乎做了这里提到的所有事情,但运气不佳。最后,我们在清单文件中更改了Android SDK的版本,它成功了。





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