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缩略语 不工作的装置
原标题:Android Virtual Device not working


就我而言,装载大约需要15分钟(!),即便如此,它也冻结或反应非常缓慢。 我已经一劳永逸,但没有任何变化。


我正在使用一个略为老的PC,有英特尔核心Duo CPU, 2 GB RAM,有丰富的民盟空间,Windows XP SP3。

你们是否认为问题太小? 是否有可帮助我理解什么是错的标志?



2GB RAM并非很多,但你应当能够与它一道管理支持者。 争取在发起赞助者之前尽可能关闭其他方案。

It is my experience that the AVD startup time increases with the amount of virtual hardware you add to the AVD, so keep this simple. Also I noticed that Android 3.0 or higher AVDs can be rather sluggish in the emulator compared to the 2.x versions. However, their performance might improve if you increase the "Device ram size" and/or "Max VM application heap size" hardware properties (see also this post) I found some other tips in this post but I didn t try them myself.


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