I m absolutely stuck here and hoping someone here will have the answer.
ok - The end goal is to be redirected to another page and be placed at the beginning of a certain DIV. I m using an anchor tag which points to a DIV with an ID attached to it. My code works for all browsers EXCEPT for Firefox??
<a href="/home/services#design">
<%= image_tag "Read_More_Button.png", :alt => "", :style =>
"position:relative; left:-10px"%>
-close a tag
<div id= design class= left clear_right >
more <div> s nested and a unordered list. black as well.
-close div tag
get "home/services" => "home#services"
[website_link] “此处点击网站”
Click on the “read more” button for Design orfitout, and You ll see that You aren t taken to the first of both div but the path/url in the address bar is disabilities point to this place? 这只是在“......”时发生,我以安全的方式进行了尝试,而所有残疾人都加入了其中,但还没有任何东西。
任何意见或方向都将受到高度赞赏。 感谢