English 中文(简体)
原标题:Confusion on universal app/iPad target


I m making an iPad version of a large iPhone app. Which is the best way to go when distributing? I understand that when turning the app into a "Universal" app, all resources (images etc) for the iPad version are also downloaded to iPhones.

也许不希望这样做,因此,对我来说,最好利用已建的XCode功能,将目标重复成为iPad的目标。 (这是冰层的,因为它将产生所有NIB-files的单帕特版本。)

However, I m afraid that this will split the app into two versions on the app store. I want to make it look like a universal app on app store, with the little "+"-sign. Is it possible to make it look like a universal app, when it s actually two different targets?




So, no it is not possible to make two apps look and behave like an universal app.


I don t think that the images etc being present in both versions are such a serious problem.
They get compressed and can mostly be used for both versions.

我更喜欢用一种普遍的看法,即我的所有装置都通过i±的辛迪加,而不是下载两版本的 app。 Apple果也是这样,例如在iBooks。

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