English 中文(简体)
• 制作两个超文本部分,在另一个部分加上 j
原标题:Creating two HTML elements and nesting one in the other with jQuery

我试图撰写一个文字,产生Twitter Boots作风,只是通过各种选择来履行不同职能。 在这种例子中,我造就了一个提交纽州。

j 似乎允许一个因素,但把他们当作空洞。


function renderButton(buttonText, buttonType, buttonName){
    if(buttonType ==  submit ){
        var $button = $( <input/> , {
             type   :  submit ,
             name   : buttonName,
             value  : buttonText,
             class  :  btn submit 
    var $form_actions = $( <div/> , {
         class  :  form-actions ,
         text   : $button

    return $form_actions;   

renderButton( Go! ,  submit ,  buttonGo ).insertAfter( #a );

By the time you ve made it here:

var $form_actions = $( <div/> , {
     class  :  form-actions ,
     text   : $button

return $form_actions;  

丁顿拥有一个支架子(而不仅仅是一个超高架)。 它赢得了直接指定为<代码>text的工作,但你可以照此办理:

var $form_actions = $( <div/> , {
     class  :  form-actions 


return $form_actions;  


CSS working only in Firefox

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image changed but appears the same in browser

I m writing a php script to crop an image. The script overwrites the old image with the new one, but when I reload the page (which is supposed to pickup the new image) I still see the old one. ...

Firefox background image horizontal centering oddity

I am building some basic HTML code for a CMS. One of the page-related options in the CMS is "background image" and "stretch page width / height to background image width / height." so that with large ...

Separator line in ASP.NET

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