English 中文(简体)
原标题:Graph Theory: Splitting a Graph

我有这个问题。 我有一张 n子,我想分成两个小子,即X节点和N-x节点,但必须限制剩余的对口数目最大化(或尽量减少被切割的对口数目)。

不清楚这是否有意义。 不是理论人,而是我的问题的抽象版本。 我应研究哪些算法可能有助于我?

这是一个家庭工作问题。 我认为,令人感兴趣的问题!



也许先深入搜查点。 我们当时指定一个点,并计算迄今削减的数量。 如果这一数目超过了最佳解决办法的数目,那么我们就放弃了这一数目,背后了轨道。

  1. Given the full set of nodes S, let P and P be setsuts of nodes, initially empty, and K by the number of cut edges, initially 0.
  2. Let S*, K* be the best known solution and its number of cut edges, with K* initially infinity.
  3. Pick a node N to start with and assign it to S.
  4. For each unassigned node M:
    1. Assign M to S , and add the number of edges from M to nodes in S to K.
    2. If K > K*, then no solution based on this one will beat the best, so assign M to S.
    3. If |S| > X, then the set has grown too big; backtrack.
    4. Otherwise, recurse from 4.
  5. If all nodes are assigned and K < K*, then let S* = S and K* = K.

我先把这一算法作为道歉式算法,但用C.1n的算法做得太困难。 绕过正义意味着不转让最后分配的 no。


One way would be to modify karger s algorythm In Karger s algo you contract vertices along random edges until you end up with only two vertices, the remaining edges represent the cut. Since it s random you just do this many times and keep the solution with the least edges in the cut.

在经过修改的版本中,一旦vert倒,你可以停止 coll跃和 count边(如果是你的话,那就算不了),就会有适当的时间,而且你可以找到解决办法。 欺骗性部分是多少次重复计算,以增加信心,达到令人满意的限制。

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