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DropDownMenu using MVCSiteMapProvider
原标题:DropDownMenu using MVCSiteMapProvider

我使用的是p.net mvc3 razor发动机,并试图利用MVCSiteMap提供商使菜单化,但当我使用多层次的现场地图时,菜单控制使网页上的所有节点都无法运行,而Hover功能则无法运作。

Please tell, there is any way to this.


This isn t worded very well, but basically he s asking for navigation menu functionality. I m looking for the same thing myself. Basically, the MVC sitmap provider default template just seems to show all the nodes all at once, regardless if it s a child node or not. What he s looking for (and myself as well) is for only the TOP level nodes to be shown (which you can do easily enough), but for the CHILD level nodes to be visible when you hover over the parent links. Basically, the way the old asp:Menu used to work in ASP.Net with the original sitemapprovider.

我确信,这只是一个诱惑性的问题,但如果没有其他人已经这样做,我会感到震惊。 还没有发现。



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