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Mono for Anders or Java, coding ammer on Anders [los]
原标题:Mono for Android or Java, coding a game on Android [closed]


要么与net和一夫一夫一夫一面。 但我有两个问题:

  • Which one is a better choice and why ?
  • Which one is less time consuming ?
  • Which one has a lower probability facing different devices issues and crashes ?




I do not know whether you are better in C# or in Java. But I give you my opinion. We both know that C# is very modern and really better than Java. You many Microsoft s .Net libraries that can speed up your development and boost your program quality.

但是,由于你想要发展游戏,你是否知道XNA,或者因为进一步熟悉XNA,确实很重要。 你们需要熟悉XNA,并可能像Farseer这样的游戏引擎。

最后措辞: 如果你是“网络”开发商,我非常建议你选择莫诺道路,因为现在,你可以利用C#开发许多跨Platform游戏和仪器,而C#是一种非常现代的语言,给你带来了许多档案材料。 此外,如果你使用MonoGame,自你开发XNA以来,你可以轻松地把它运往Windows, 电话,OS, MACOS X,Windows, 仅改动几条代码。

Answer to your questions: Which one is less time consuming ? C# and Mono [if you are a .net developer] Which one has a lower probability facing different devices issues and crashes ? C# and Mono

Regards, Peyman Mortazavi



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