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原标题:Intermittent image link behaviour in iOS mail client




<a href="http://www.google.com">
<img src="something.png"/>

当邮件到达时,我点击了该链接,我就接下了以下人员,而不是接线的客户。 如你所看到的那样,URL在居民中表现得非常清楚,它受到的教 par是正确的。

Screenshot of popup

然而,歇性将发挥作用! 我可以直截了当地 down倒造成工作的原因,但大约20%的时间(甚至以前没有工作的同一电子邮件)。

什么? 我是 lo弄我的ble子吗? 这种安全感的特征是防止 s锁藏在电子邮件中的联系吗?

The mail is delivered via an Exchange active-sync account.

很多 成就




<img src="http://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/web2/Icons/FaceBook_128x128.png" alt="Facbook" usemap="#facebook" />


<map name="facebook">
<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,128,128" href="http://www.facebook.com" alt="Facebook" />



As discussed here - Image link on iPhone is not clickable

We have found a new detail to this problem. In our mails are also "Text Links". If we try to open a "Image Link" the save and copy appears, but if we first click a "Text Link", which works perfectly fine, go back to the mail and click the "Image Link" it mysteriously works. It seems that somehow the mail-client cannot open a connection to Safari through a "Image Link" click. If the connection is already open (through "Text Link" click) it works.

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