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原标题:Specifying multiple cancel options on jquery draggable elements


如上文图表所示,我只想让用户在点击该区域时把这个要素视为“低 d”而所有其他区域不允许通过“易碎".”表示的ging。 以下是现行法典。 只有在我无法将不止一名选任人通过取消选择的情况下,才算罚款。 我曾尝试过一个物体和空间分离的部门,但取得了一些工作。 什么是错了? 请提供帮助。

        stop: function(e, ui) {
            // alert(ui.position[ top ]);
        cursor:  move ,
        opacity: 0.4,
        cancel:  .e-note-body , // How do i pass more than one selectors here?


cancel:  #selector1, .selector-two 

Note the comma (,) separateing each selectedor within the quotpoint.



handle:  .allow_drag_start 


This has an additional con, that I found recently. If your site is using eg. http://touchpunch.furf.com/ to convert mouse-events to touchevents, the cancel really cancels everything, not only drag, but also touch device s native scroll and two-finger pinch zoom. In my case, I wanted scroll and zoom to work on all other elements but the handles.


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