English 中文(简体)
ZF2 依赖性注射
原标题:ZF2 Dependancy Injection Alias and multiple instances

We are currently writing a module in Zend Framework 2.


我有3个等级,我想通过依赖注射来设置。 听说这些班级;A级、B级和C级。

班级A有一系列的B级,B级有一系列的C级。 每一类B应采用不同的参数进行即时处理。 对于C级,所有3个班级的参数均通过建筑商通过(如果需要,也可由一组人处理)。

class ClassA {
    protected $arrClassBInstances = array();

    public function __construct( $arrClassBInstances ) {
         $this->arrClassBInstances = $arrClassBInstances;

class ClassB {
    protected $arrClassCInstances = array();
    protected $someOtherParam = "";

    public function __construct( $arrClassCInstances, $someOtherParam ) {
         $this->arrClassBInstances = $arrClassCInstances;
         $this->someOtherParam = $someOtherParam;


class ClassC {
    protected $someParam = "";

    public function __construct( $someParam ) {
         $this->someParam = $someParam;

So their are 2 parts to my questions. First, How can I configure multiple instances of the same class with different parameters injected? For Example, multiple instances of ClassB each with it s own subset of ClassC instances. There has to be some kind of alias in the ZF2 DiC.

第二,我怎么能够将一系列的重新组合的依附纳入一个类别。 例 我怎么能将一系列的B级例引入A级?



From the documentation, i think this should works:

// $event instance of endMvcMvcEvent
$di = $event->getTarget()->getLocator();
$paramsForA = array(
    $di->get( qualified_namespaces_or_di_alias_for_b , array( arrClassCInstances =>array(
        $di->get( qualified_namespaces_or_di_alias_for_c , array( someParam =>1)),
        $di->get( qualified_namespaces_or_di_alias_for_c , array( someParam =>2)),
    $di->get( qualified_namespaces_or_di_alias_for_b , array( arrClassCInstances =>array(
        $di->get( qualified_namespaces_or_di_alias_for_c , array( someParam =>3)),
        $di->get( qualified_namespaces_or_di_alias_for_c , array( someParam =>4)),
$classA = $di->get( qualified_namespaces_or_di_alias_for_a , array( arrClassBInstances =>$paramsForA));

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