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json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8
原标题:json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument

I m calling json_encode() on data that comes from a MySQL database with utf8_general_ci collation. The problem is that some rows have weird data which I can t clean. For example symbol , so once it reaches json_encode(), it fails with json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument.

I ve Trial utf8_encode(> and utf8_decode(<>/code>, 即便有mb_check_encoding(<>,但通过并造成严重破坏。

Running PHP 5.3.10 on Mac. So the question is - how can I clean up invalid utf8 symbols, keeping the rest of data, so that json_encoding() would work?

更新。 这里可以复制:

echo json_encode(pack("H*" , c32e ));

如同文号一样,见A,但由于数据包括姓名,因此,只有一封信被显示,最后名称是(0],这对多彩的扼杀是错误的,造成整个 has。 改为mb_substr ($lastname, 0, 1)——与一家药厂一样。




mysql_set_charset( utf8 );


The problem is that this character is UTF8, but json_encode does not handle it correctly. To say more, there is a list of other characters (see Unicode characters list), that will trigger the same error, so stripping off this one (Å) will not correct an issue to the end.


htmlentities( (string) $value, ENT_QUOTES,  utf-8 , FALSE);

确保你与我的SQL的联系是UTF-8。 常常没有ISO-8859-1,这意味着MySQL的驾驶员将把该文本改为ISO-8859-1。


采用这一守则可能有助于。 它解决了我的问题!

mb_convert_encoding($post["post"], UTF-8 , UTF-8 );


mb_convert_encoding($string, UTF-8 , UTF-8 );

您的文号是按顺序细分的持有人符号。 基本上,它不是真正的象征,而是你所描述的错误。

象征的确切直线价值是什么? 盲人使用utf8_encode不是一个好主意,最好先发现一下底部来自什么地方,以及它们意味着什么。

造成这种错误的另一个情况是,当你使用S. . json_encode功能时,U类编码是上下级,而不是下级。

json_en code只使用UTF-8数据。 你必须确保你的数据在UTF-8中。 或者,你可以使用iconv()将成果转换到UTF-8,然后把结果传给json_en code()。

更新。 我在解决这一问题时指出,PDO连接的果园如下:



I am very late but if some one working on SLIM to make rest api and getting same error can solve this problem by adding below line as:


// DbConnect.php file
class DbConnect
    //Variable to store database link
    private $con;

    //Class constructor
    function __construct()


    //This method will connect to the database
    function connect()
        //Including the constants.php file to get the database constants
        include_once dirname(__FILE__) .  /Constants.php ;

        //connecting to mysql database
        $this->con = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);

        mysqli_set_charset($this->con, "utf8"); // add this line 
        //Checking if any error occured while connecting
        if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
            echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

        //finally returning the connection link
        return $this->con;


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