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Mockito Junit测试案
原标题:Mockito Junit test case for while loop with break statement

I am writing Junit test case(Junit 5 with jupitar) for existing code that has while loop with break statement.

public int deleteRecords(int batchsize) {
   //some code here 
   int totalDeletedRecords = 0;
   while(true) {
       int deleted = deleteRecord();
       if (deleted == 0) { //means no record found to delete
       totalDeletedRecords += deleted;
private int deleteRecord()  {
    List<User> usersList = repository.findAll();  //get the records from the database; 
    if (CollectUtils.isEmpty()) {
        return 0;
    //then deleting the total records batch wise
    //construct list with ids and pass that to delete method
    repository.delete(List of ids);
    return userList.size();

My Junit测试案

public void testDeleteRecordSuccess() {
    //mock repository call
    User user = User.builder().name("xyz").build();
    int deleted = service.deleteRecords(1000);
    assertEquals(1, deleted);

按照模拟计算,记录总有1个大小, lo只执行。 休息需要停止,而且所有法典应涵盖范围。




public void testDeleteRecordSuccess() {
    // Create a test user
    User user = User.builder().name("xyz").build();
    // Create two lists, one with the user and one empty
    List<User> listWithUsers = Arrays.asList(user);
    List<User> emptyList = Collections.emptyList();
    // Mock repository calls
    // First call to findAll() will return the list with users, second call will return an empty list
    when(repository.findAll()).thenReturn(listWithUsers, emptyList);
    // Mock the .delete() call to do nothing

    // The service call should now proceed as expected, without any infinite loop
    int deleted = service.deleteRecords(1000);
    // Verify that records were  deleted 
    assertEquals(1, deleted);
    // Verify calls to mock object
    verify(repository, times(2)).findAll();
    verify(repository, times(1)).delete(anyList());

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