English 中文(简体)
页: 1 展示/展示纤维元素的单子 lo
原标题:jQuery one button loop to show/hide sibling elements
  • 时间:2012-04-17 21:44:18
  •  标签:
  • jquery
  • loops

我试图利用一个纽子,通过一个无顺序的分子清单,以假装的方式展示/杀害。 显示第1个元件,点击纽顿,显示的元件是隐蔽的,下一个元件显示......在滑坡how下点击。 问题在于,如果发言,我不知道如何在第一次发言之后停止或重新启动点击功能。 现在,错开这一职能就贯穿了它们。 谁能看我的法典,给我一手?

var daily =  .daily_goal_activity li ;   

$(daily).addClass(function (index) {
        return "item-" + index;
    $( .item-0 ).show();

$( #activity_toggle ).click(function () {

    if ($(daily).hasClass( item-0 )) {
        $( .item-1 ).show();
    if ($(daily).hasClass( item-1 )) {
        $( .item-2 ).show();




var $daily = $( .daily_goal_activity li );
$daily.first().addClass( current );

$( #activity_toggle ).click(function () {
    $daily.filter( .current )
      .removeClass( current )
      .next( li ).addClass( current );

If you want to cycle through the elements, you can check whether there actually is a next sibling and if not, go back to the first one:

var $next = $daily.filter( .current )
    .removeClass( current )
    .next( li );

if($next.length === 0) {
    $next = $daily.first();

$next.addClass( current );




  1. Storing .daily_goal_activity li and reusing it doesn t really save you anything. You really want to store the selector and reuse that: var daily = $( .daily_goal_activity li );
  2. .hasClass( item-0 ) will always be true, because one of the lis will have the class item-0, as you applied that class in .addClass().
  3. To make your code work in its current form, you want to hide x and show x+1. You could use a global var to track x.
  4. You are better off using the structure of the html to track next/previous for you:

var daily = $( .daily_goal_activity li );


$( #activity_toggle ).click(function () {
    var nextdaily = daily.filter( :visible ).hide().next();
    if(nextdaily.length > 0) {
    } else {

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/jtbowden/yRFba/


  <!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var id=$("button").attr("id");



    <button id="hide">Hide</button>
    <p id="example">Hide me out</p>

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