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在试图使用java.lang时,找不到“形式方法”。 A. 低温反应模式方法
原标题:Getting "The format method was not found" when trying to use java.lang.string format method from ColdFusion

I want to do something in ColdFusion that is similar to sprintf in C or Perl. I found this answer, which seems to be what I m looking for. However, I can t get it to work.


    <cfset firstName="John">
    <cfset output=createObject("java","java.lang.String").format("Hello, %s!", firstName)>
    <cfcatch type="any">
        <cfdump var="#cfcatch#" expand="false">


副渔获物。 电文:没有找到格式方法。

cfcatch.Detail: Either there are no methods with the specified method name and argument types or the format method is overloaded with argument types that ColdFusion cannot decipher reliably. ColdFusion found 0 methods that match the provided arguments. If this is a Java object and you verified that the method exists, use the javacast function to reduce ambiguity.

这是一个超负荷的方法,因此,我按照建议使用 JavaCast的论点:

<cfset output=createObject("java","java.lang.String").format(JavaCast( string , "Hello, %s!"), firstName)>
<cfset output=createObject("java","java.lang.String").format("Hello, %s!", JavaCast( string , firstName))>
<cfset output=createObject("java","java.lang.String").format(JavaCast( string , "Hello, %s!"), JavaCast( string , firstName))>



Edit: I ve already seen a comment, and I m not sure how to respond to those, but maybe I should explain here. What I ve shown above is an extremely simplified example of what I am trying to do. The goal is to use a format string to provide lots of formatting in one place, and then simply pass in a list of variables, instead of formatting a bunch of variables and outputting them, or formatting them as I m outputting them. With the format method, I plan to build a set of format strings that match the output I need, then I will just cfloop or cfoutput over a query, run this one method inside, and get the output I want. No DateFormat, NumberFormat, Left, Right, etc. If I can t get this working, that is plan B though.

I m 驾 Cold9.01,Windows 7, Java 1.6.0_22。



Answer based on my comment above:


您可以改变这一论点,将名称归入如下阵列:format('Hello, %>,[firstName]

Thanks to 说得如此仓促,我发表以下评论:



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